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The carrier of the hepatitis C virus, In: what does it mean and what is the danger.

Carrier hepatitis C - person in blood through a laboratory blood test revealed the virus, it reproduces, circulates in the tissues and excreted into the external environment. The source of infection may be patients with an active hepatitis C and latent (without signs) of the patients, which means the absence of symptoms cannot guarantee the absence of disease. The carrier of the hepatitis C virus for a long time not experiencing any discomfort, but can infect people around him.

According to statistics, today about 150 million people living on the planet are infected with hepatitis C Each year from complications caused by this disease die about 350 thousand people, and infected with HCV With about 4 million, and every year these numbers grow.

Hepatitis C is a viral disease affecting the liver, if untreated, leading to irreversible consequences and death. Infection with this virus is possible through the damaged mucous membranes and skin, sexually transmitted, but most often via the blood of a carrier of the virus.

Ways of infection

Today, there are 6 types of viral hepatitis - A, b, C, D, E, G, in which two mechanisms of infection. For enteral (by mouth) mechanism include hepatitis A and E. Infection occurs through infected water, dirty hands, unwashed vegetables.

Схема развития гепатита С

Thus, the risk of Contracting hepatitis is quite high and the symptoms of the acute phase of the disease is very similar to the symptoms of SARS. Therefore, you should not treat carelessly to the change in well-being, and in the event of such symptoms should immediately go to the doctor. Detected early the disease is treatable. To worry about immunity, because in the weakening of the disease attacks. Moderate exercise, adherence sleep and rest, avoiding harmful habits, temperature, proper nutrition greatly accumulate the body.

Do not forget about the prevention of hepatitis: do not use personal hygiene items and other people's nail supplies, an appointment to dentists and surgeons to ensure the sterility of the instruments, visit, manicure, working with disposable tools and disposable gloves when having sex with casual partners to use condoms.

Additional sources

The Sorinson S. N.

Viral hepatitis. Epidemiology parenteral hepatitis, the risk of occupational exposure / manual, SPb.: THESIS, 1998.

Storozhakov G.I.

Chronic HCV-specie and liver transplantation / GI Storozhakov, I. Nikitin, T. I. Fedorov // ROS. Sib. of gastroenterology, Hepatology and Coloproctology. 2003, vol. 13, No. 3