Home / The heading of methods of diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system

The heading of methods of diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary system

On reception at the gynecologist or urologist diagnostic procedure starts with the examination of the patient. Based on these data assigned the necessary examinations.

Urethroscopy in men and women: indications, contraindications, pain, preparation

Currently, medicine is so advanced that this is not a very pleasant procedure known as urethroscopy men spend quite rarely. However, in some cases, without it can not do. Study read more...

Residual urine in the bladder with ultrasound in women, men and children

When measured after urination, residual urine in the bladder, the rate is 30-40 ml in adults and 3-4 ml in children. When exceeding 50 ml, should consult a doctor. It read more...

The suspension in the bladder and thickening of the bladder wall by ultrasound

When the concentration of uric and other acids may appear suspended in the bladder. Most often it is caused due to pathological disruption of the urinary tract or injury to read more...

Secretion analysis of the prostate (prostate gland): how do culture and microscopy, deciphering

The prostate secretion is a special liquid that has opalescent character. She is endowed with a certain characteristic odor. Is released as a result of the functioning of the glands read more...

Ultrasound of the bladder in men and women: how do preparation, interpretation of results

For the diagnosis of various pathologies prescribe ultrasound examination bodies. Ultrasound of the bladder - the procedure is safe and absolutely painless. It allows you to get complete information about read more...

Transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate (prostate): what is, how to make, prepare

What is TRUS of the prostate, how do this procedure and is it possible without it? Men at all times often suffered from such unpleasant diseases such as prostatitis. It read more...

MRI of the prostate (prostate) with contrast and without

MRI of the prostate - is a non-invasive method of investigation used for diagnosis and detection of diseases of the prostate or pelvic organs. To obtain a clear image uses electromagnetic read more...

Cystography: what is, how to do, indications and contraindications in children and adults

Cystography: what is it? Zistografii procedure called x-ray study of the bladder. To obtain x-ray image of the bladder, doctors use a contrast substance injected into the examined body. The read more...

The PSA level when prostate adenoma and prostatitis: norm, pathology

The PSA level when prostate cancer well as the value of PSA for prostatitis is the result of a blood test, which is always more than the norm. But such read more...

Cystoscopy in women, men, and children: what it is, preparation for the examination is carried out

After a visit to the urologist many question: cystoscopy - what is it? The name "cystoscopy" originated from the Greek word kystis, which means bladder. Cystoscopy is a special study read more...

Ultrasound of the prostate (prostate gland): how to do, preparation, results

Prostate ultrasound is an ultrasonic diagnostic method of the prostate gland, which allows to determine the condition and detect pathology. This procedure is a highly informative and safe. Diagnosis is read more...

Transrectal ultrasound of the prostate (prostate): what is it, how is

Transrectal ultrasound can be administered in different cases. Ultrasound studies use high frequency sound, which allows you to explore the internal organs. How is transrectal ultrasound of the prostate? What read more...

Prostate biopsy (prostate): what is it, treatment, consequences, complications

Not all people know what a prostate biopsy, but there is nothing wrong, the method is based on the in vivo cell collection from the patient and further study. Prostate read more...