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Analysis for hepatitis: how to pass, how much is done, the possible results

Hepatitis - this is a laboratory test by which doctors detect antibodies to the virus infectious diseases. Experts distinguish hepatitis A, b and C. the blood hepatitis A is carried out for the diagnosis of acute or recent infection for the patient. Antibodies of class IgM are found in the manifestation of the 1st symptoms of the disease. In this period there is increased their concentration. Throughout the year this index reduces to normal.

Medical indications

A blood test for hepatitis a in the following ways:

  • cholestasis;
  • high levels of Alt;
  • contact with an infected;
  • signs and symptoms of viral disease.

Blood was taken fasting (8 hours after the last meal). You should know how much is the procedure. To check for hepatitis And will require 1 day. If the result is negative, then the immunity to the hepatitis A virus is absent. A positive test indicates the presence of acute or recent illness.

Иммуноферментный анализ для выявления гепатита

To identify the causative agent, doctors prescribe the patient of the polymerase chain reaction. This is a laboratory test detects foreign particles in any quantity. This is repeated copying of the genetic set of microbes. Similar up consists of several cycles and is repeated many times. Using 20-30 cycles it is possible to identify 1 virus, localized in the 1st cell. The accuracy of PCR depends on the quality of reagents used. Before assigning a course of treatment, the doctor needs to determine the amount of virus in the patient's body. Therapy is based on viral genotype.

For this purpose, PCR-diagnostics with hybridization-fluorescentes detection in real-time. This is a laboratory test identify the infection in case when the standard method of polymerase chain reaction inefficient. The indications for PCR diagnostics of hepatitis ultraconservatism way experts include:

  • the development of latent forms of viral diseases;
  • the presence of antibodies to the viruses of hepatitis C or b;
  • evaluation of the effectiveness of the assigned treatment and the condition of the body after 24 weeks at the end of it;
  • early detection of acute viral hepatitis and patients who had contact with an infected person.

Biochemical analysis of blood

Viruses infectious diseases have a negative impact on liver function. The course of treatment is assigned based on the type and degree of liver dysfunction. The clinical and biochemical blood analysis allows to revealthe presence or absence of impaired liver function. When you receive a positive result, the doctor determines the type of this violation and the degree of its severity. For each laboratory study require a certain due date. The patient can see the result in the blood donation day, or the next day.

Rapid test for hepatitis allows to detect the virus at an early stage of development of the disease. The advantages of such research physicians include:

  • no need for special equipment;
  • no need to donate blood;
  • quick result (20-40 minutes);
  • high sensitivity;
  • painless collection of material;
  • easy to use;
  • compact;
  • security;
  • conduct an independent study.

Features HСV OraQuick Rapid Antibody Test

For the rapid test would require saliva, capillary whole blood, venous blood, serum and plasma. Using HСV OraQuick Rapid Antibody Test can detect antibodies to hepatitis C virus in about 20 min Such a diagnosis used by emergency services in the event of an emergency.

If the material for analysis is saliva, then the specificity of the technique is 99.6 % and a sensitivity of 98.1 %.

The study is recommended to observe temperature - 15° C-37° C.

Rapid testing consists of the following steps:

  1. The fence material.
  2. The conduct of the study.
  3. Decoding of the result.

For the diagnosis of hepatitis C it is recommended to investigate Kolodezenko liquid. When taking oral smear eliminates the pain and risk of infection. 15 min. before the procedure the patient should refrain from eating or drinking 30 mins after applying the means to care for the oral cavity. To obtain reliable results, you should act strictly according to instructions.

A special pad is carried on the outside of the upper and lower gums. The test is placed in a vial with a special solution. The appearance of the device 1 of the third line in C zone indicates a negative result. In the presence of antibodies to hepatitis C in the corresponding area and T-area shows 2 lines. In this case, it is advisable to consult a special medical institution. To the patient appoint a full analysis and determine the appropriate treatment. In the presence of a chronic hepatitis patient is assigned a diagnosis and correction of malfunctions of the immune system.