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Which hepatitis is the most dangerous?

The question of which hepatitis is the most dangerous, occurs in many people. This is evidenced by the considerable number of questions on this subject to the doctors.

General concepts

The term hepatitis refers to the number of chronic and acute diffuse inflammatory diseases that affect the liver and have a varied etiology. Most adults the disease is familiar in one form. It was very common in the 90-ies. It is called "Botkin's disease", and doctors refer to this disease term hepatitis A. Doctors today identified a number of hepatitis, all of them have a serious negative impact on the body. In some situations, they can lead to the death of the patient. There are such types of hepatitis: A, b, C, D, E, F, G. All of these types of diseases are caused by a particular virus.In medicine consider the hepatitis and of toxic nature:

  • drug-caused poisoning by chemicals and alcohol;
  • as an aspect of radiation sickness;
  • as a complication of autoimmune diseases.

Form hepatitis is divided into acute and chronic. The first form often developed independently, for example, when alcoholism from-for poisonings with ethyl alcohol. Or is the result of the development of acute hepatitis. The disease may for a long time does not manifest itself.

It has a permanent increased size of the liver, the pain of having a dull character and localized in the right hypochondrium. There is a complete intolerance to fatty food, etc.

Озноб - симптом гепатита

Hepatitis G is considered to be closely related to symptoms and course, but less dangerous type of the disease. Its existence was revealed in 1995. This type of disease is usually easier to treat than its counterpart with the designation S.

Other forms and prevention

Form of hepatitis F is a lot of debate scientists and physicians. His existence is determined theoretically, but has not been studied thoroughly.

There are a number of simple rules that are able to prevent infecting any of the forms of hepatitis:

  • it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene;
  • to prevent a sexual relationship with a partner, about the state of health of which you know nothing; to use contraceptives;
  • use only disposable blood transfusion, syringes, needles, etc.;
  • the water used for cooking should be boiled;
  • before consuming vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed.

Adherence to these rules will help to reduce the risk of acquiring any form of viral hepatitis to near zero.

The most dangerous forms of viral hepatitis are a b and C.

Both types canto lead to various complications that are damaging to the liver and eventually can cause death.

The acute form of hepatitis b is dangerous in some cases his blazing speed. Hepatitis plus this opens the way to another type of the virus, eventually complicating the treatment of hepatitis D. Threat and its invisible chronic form. Transferred the hepatitis b may come back again, not after leaving the body. Modern medicine can cure this disease and save the vast majority of patients.

Hepatitis C is no less dangerous because of its destructiveness, it can seriously harm liver and lead to cirrhosis. Some sub-species of hepatitis hard to treat, which complicates the fight against it. Due to the chronic nature he often manages to cause substantial, and sometimes irreparable damage to patient's life.

It is curable nowadays. However, it suffers from many people are dying, so today the majority of physicians recognized hepatitis C as the most terrible of all forms of this disease.