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Features of hepatitis D

Hepatitis D is one of the most serious infectious diseases, which is expressed in severe liver damage. This disease is characterized by slow necrosis of the liver and its adjacent tissues. Numerous studies confirm the fact that the hepatitis D is more prevalent in Africa, Asia and some countries of America. This kind of hepatitis is most dangerous for human, as, despite the timely and proper treatment, a person will develop cirrhosis of the liver.

How can you get hepatitis D?

This disease mainly triggered by a very dangerous virus and the Delta virus. It is not possible to own to play in the human body. To reproduction occurred successfully, it requires a special genetic material of the virus of hepatitis B. Today, doctors have learned to recognize different types of manifestations of each of these types of hepatitis. The result was definitely two ways through which people can easily catch the virus of hepatitis D:

  1. The causative agents of hepatitis B and D can penetrate into the human body together. In science it is called coinfection.
  2. Penetration in the human body Delta virus, which takes its source from hepatitis B. Such a merger is called superinfection.

The second way to get hepatitis D the most dangerous. In this case, the disease instantly makes itself known: human health is deteriorating, the disease progresses rapidly, resulting in cirrhosis or liver cancer.

The source of the hepatitis D virus is a person who suffers from the disease. Long been proven that the easiest way is the infection, when the disease is at the severe stage.

Заражение гепатитом Д при переливании крови

Hepatitis D may show periods of improvement and deterioration of the human condition. There are moments when a man complains of nothing and feels great.

When the disease becomes chronic, the vessels become less strong. Therefore, patients very often can be bleeding under the skin. Due to the fact that the body temperature rises to 39 degrees, the patient may be severely shivering. As a result of disease a person has swelling all over the body.

When a person suffers this type of hepatitis, it is required to pick up a comprehensive treatment that has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. It can be treated both in hospital and at home - everything will depend on the severity of the disease.

It is necessary to prescribe antiviral drugs.They help to slow down the disease and maintain the health of all internal organs. This treatment usually lasts about a year. But the drug, which for this purpose have many side effects. Not every patient is able to withstand them.

The use of vitamin complexes is also included in the treatment of hepatitis D. They contribute to the maintenance of the immune system and regulate metabolic and digestive processes in the human body. As a result, vomiting and nausea almost disappear.

Medications are required medicine. It would be impossible to support the work of the liver.

During treatment it is very important how the patient eats. Usual menu for such patients should be provided by specialists (nutritionists). Food should be healthy and light, so that the body could easily digest and assimilate. Of course, some products have to give.

Prevention of disease

Certain drugs, which could protect the human body from hepatitis b virus D does not exist.

Need timely vaccination, which will prevent the appearance of hepatitis B.

You need to be very careful when dealing with someone else's blood and infected patients. If the vaccine was done on time, then the person will be protected from dangerous diseases!