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The influence of Mycoplasma infection on the body

To date, Mycoplasma infection (Mycoplasma) occurs quite often. It is used in the majority of cases in two clinical variants: in the form of pneumonia and inflammation of the urinary organs. An infectious agent can be transmitted from one person to another. Most often, this disease affects adults. Respiratory mycoplasmosis is often diagnosed in children. It takes the form of bronchopneumonia. What are the characteristics of the pathogen and the main symptoms of Mycoplasma infection?

Characterization of the pathogen

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis in humans are Mycoplasma. It was a large group of small microorganisms. Feature of Mycoplasma, compared to many other bacteria is the absence of a cell wall. They are gram-negative microbes. Disease in humans most often cause the following types: Mycoplasma genitalium, hominis, and pneumoniae. Mycoplasma genitalium causes diseases of the genitourinary tract. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is responsible for the development of the pathology of the respiratory system.

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Often, the disease is type of pneumonia. Develops fever, productive cough appears. Sputum may be viscous, white or purulent. Much less common with respiratory mycoplasmosis was observed nausea, vomiting, violation of the chair. Urogenital mycoplasmosis is characterized by impaired urination and sexual function. Patients may present complaints of pain or burning sensation during excretion of urine, discomfort during sex, itching.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of mycoplasmosis includes a detailed patient interviews about the development of the main symptoms, examination, laboratory tests. Diagnosis is possible only on the basis of laboratory confirmation. If you suspect that respiratory mycoplasmosis is taken material from the nasopharynx, blood or sputum. At infringement of function of pelvic organs material is a swab from the urethra, the cervix or semen. Can be carried out serology and PCR. From the instrumental methods of x-rayed lungs.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis involves the use of antibiotics (macrolides or tetracyclines), physiotherapy.

Most often are assigned the following drugs: "Azithromycin", "Clindamycin", "Erythromycin", "Doxycycline". With the defeat of the respiratory tract is required to gargle with antiseptics, use of expectorants, drops the nose. Your doctor may prescribe immunomodulators (Cycloferon"). When urogenital mycoplasmosis during treatment should abandon sexual intercourse and nottake alcohol. Thus, when the first signs of Mycoplasma it is necessary to consult a doctor. No need to self-medicate.