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The symptoms and treatment of acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis

Bacterial prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate caused by bacteria which leads to pain in the perineum and lower abdomen. Chronic bacterial prostatitis can cause a decrease of male potency and disrupt the process of emission of urine. The average age of the male population suffering from this disease is 40-45 years old. With timely and proper treatment of bacterial prostatitis the prognosis is usually positive, unless there are complications.

As klassificeret this disease and what the disease can lead?

It is divided into two main types:

  1. The acute form of bacterial prostatitis. It occurs when the penetration of bacteria into the prostate and the development of the inflammatory process that is characterized by a sharp pain.
  2. Chronic bacterial prostatitis.

According to the severity of the disease doctors divide the disease into two large groups:

Левофлоксацин при заболевании простаты

The patient is forbidden to eat any fat, marinated, spicy, smoked, salted products. Not recommended foods, canned foods or fast food manufacturing. It is impossible for the patient to drink sodas, coffee, alcohol sold in packing of "Tetra - Pak juices.

As a physiotherapeutic procedures use the following methods:

  1. Therapy with high-frequency radiation.
  2. Electropores.
  3. Cure diseases with leeches - hirudotherapy.
  4. The use of laser technology to combat the prostatitis.
  5. Massage of the prostate gland.

For the prevention of disease, doctors recommend to take the following measures:

  1. A man should go to an active lifestyle.
  2. Useful exercise, but if this is not possible, it is desirable that the person engaged in morning exercise.
  3. The patient should give up all his bad habits: uncontrolled drinking of alcoholic drinks and Smoking, taking drugs.
  4. The man recommended to go for a balanced diet.
  5. Sex life should be regular. Sexual intercourse should not lead to infection with sexually transmitted diseases. To do this, use condoms.

It is possible to apply methods of traditional medicine for relief from acute and chronic prostatitis. Here are 2 relatively simple recipe:

  1. The use of hazel. A few sprigs of plants pour 1500 ml of cold water. Bring to a boil, and then reduce the flame and keep it for ½ hour. The mixture should stand for 4 hours in a dark place, and then it should drain. Take 2 times a day half a Cup before meals. The course of treatment lasts about 60 days.
  2. Aspen bark. 0.1 kg of the product should chop and pour 0.2 lalcohol or vodka. The solution should be kept in a dark place for 14 days. Taking medicine on a little spoon 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.

When the bacterial form of prostatitis the patient is cured from the disease within 2-3 months. Sometimes complications arise, for example, dysplasia of the prostate, purulent abscess, etc. With them fighting other methods.