Home / Details about diseases of the urinary organs / Causes, symptoms and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

Causes, symptoms and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (BPH) is one of the most common diseases in men older than 40 years. This ailment is exposed to representatives of a strong half of mankind are older. What is it? This urologic disease is characterized by the presence of a benign tumor that is formed due to the increase in the number of cells of stroma and epithelium.

Prostate gland, which is located between the external organs of the urinary system and the bladder begins to increase abnormally in size. This is BPH. This abbreviation literally stands for benign prostatic hyperplasia. The disease has a large number of medical definitions. Hemorrhoids bladder, prostatic disease, adenoma periurethral glands, nodular hyperplasia and adenoma of the prostate - it's the name of benign hyperplasia.

Currently, urologists have come to believe that the most accurate name to describe this disease is benign prostate hyperplasia. This disease is not cancer, but can lead to a number of serious consequences. The enlarged prostate leads to urinary channels are compressed, thereby the flow of urine is disrupted. There is stagnation in the urethra, which gradually leads to inflammation.

Forms and causes of the disease

Forms of BPH:

  • focal hyperplasia;
  • glandular hyperplasia;
  • diffuse hyperplasia;
  • glandular-stromal hyperplasia.

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It is also worth remembering that Smoking or taking drugs negatively affects the body, and especially for the recovery period after surgery. Nicotine and drugs destroy the walls of blood vessels, can cause the progress of prostate hyperplasia. Regular visits to the doctor and strict adherence to its recommendations is also a necessary element of therapy.

Not to run the disease and time to begin treatment, you need to pay attention to your feelings and not to ignore even the slightest changes in your health. The first signs of prostate cancer should be alarming and cause for a visit to the urologist. With timely intervention a person can well do without surgical intervention and provide a full life to a ripe old age. But even in the case of running the state should not give up. Modern medicine is capable of much. Treatment of disease prostatic hyperplasia is notimpossible.


Do not forget that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Of course, a full guarantee from this disease no, but as much as possible to protect yourself - it is the duty of every man.

To prevent disease you should fulfill some simple rules:

  1. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Need to do sports or a lot of walking.
  2. To monitor their weight is also very important. Fat men are more exposed to this disease.
  3. Eat right and have no bad habits.
  4. Regularly undergo preventive examinations by a urologist, especially men older than 40 years.
  5. At the first symptoms and changes in the body to go urgently to the doctor.

Conclusion on the subject

Remember that with timely treatment to the doctor and proper treatment, the prognosis for healing is favorable. In the long course of the disease without medical treatment, the prognosis is poor. There are complications, infections of the urinary system, the formation of stones in the bladder, develops acute urinary retention. Still can appear renal insufficiency, and this may lead to death.

Do not forget that there is a risk of malignancy, that is benign tumors can develop into malignant. In this case, it is diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is not a death sentence, if the time taken for its cure. Be healthy!