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Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment of chronic trichomoniasis in men and women

Chronic trichomoniasis is one of the most common diseases of the reproductive system of men and women. It is transmitted sexually. This statistic suggests that the disease today affects more than 170 million people worldwide.

The reasons for this wide spread of trichomoniasis are:

  • intensive migration processes;
  • the social conditions that contribute to sexually promiscuous;
  • broad use mechanical contraception (e.g., women who have an intrauterine device, suffer from trichomoniasis more often);
  • incorrect treatment and diagnosis difficult;
  • the absence of immunity after the disease.

However, it should be noted that, initially, the pathogen causes urethritis (inflammation of urethra). The infection by this protozoa occurs through sexual contact with a sick person or those who have undertreated chronic infection.

The first symptoms of the disease

In most cases, the incubation period of the disease is about 10 days, but can range from 2 days to 2 months.

The initial symptoms in men begin with the emergence of itching in the glans penis, and there are also discomfort when urinating. Further, the itching may spread to the entire area of the urethra.

After a while there is a small amount of gray or whitish frothy discharge from the urethra. Also may develop hemospermia, in which the ejaculate found streaks of blood.

Symptoms in women include the following features:

  1. swelling of the vagina and soreness during sex;
  2. vaginal discharge acquires a yellowish tint, and often have a frothy consistency and an unpleasant odor;
  3. pain during urination.

The symptoms untreated, (chronic) trichomoniasis

It should be noted that transmitted trichomoniasis may household by, for example, from sharing linen, towels and washcloths with an infected person. Because of the indolent nature of the disease, it often remains untreated and becomes chronic. The duration of chronic trichomoniasis can take up to 1 year.

Evidence of the presence of chronic trichomoniasis are the following symptoms:
  • the decrease in the protective forces of the immune system (for example, a person may frequently suffer colds);
  • fatigue;
  • violation of sexual function (for example, women are dryness of the vagina during sexual intercourse and reduction of sexual desire, and men –the decrease in erectile function);
  • in women, the change in the normal vaginal microbiocenosis, i.e. disturbed balance of normal and conditionally pathogenic microflora.

In men, the disease can have a blurry symptoms, in most cases it is detected during surveys during prostatitis, vesiculitis or other inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.

It is for the reason that symptoms may be delayed noticed by the patient, often develop a chronic form. Untreated trichomoniasis is characterized in that the symptoms were still identified, but the treatment did not lead to complete elimination (excretion) of the pathogen from the body.

What is the danger of chronic

For men this disease is dangerous because it can cause substantial loss of the prostate. As a result, in the prostate gland and cause cysts and scar-dystrophic changes of tissues. This, in turn, may lead to sclerosis of the prostate, which leads to compression of the urethra and bladder neck. The result – a reduction of renal function and the lack of a normal sex life.

In women, the disease can cause ectopic pregnancy, and inflammation of the cervical canal, which threatens the development of a cyst or cervical erosion, which is difficult to treat.


бактериальный посев при трихомониазеFor the diagnosis of the disease using microscopic methods of research separating the vagina and centrifuged urine sediment. The effectiveness of the method for determination of Trichomonas is 60%. Also, the method of culture of planting material (secretions, urine) of a sick person. Effective to detect the pathogen are immunological method and PCR-diagnostics (DNA isolation of the pathogen from biological material).

Treatment scheme

Today the best medicine for treating trichomoniasis are drugs metronidazole groups, namely:

  1. metronidazole;
  2. tinidazole;
  3. the seknidazol;
  4. nimorazole;
  5. Ornidazole.

It is worth noting that treatment of this chronic disease should be administered only by a physician, as self-treatment can lead to serious complications.

Today, the scheme of treatment of trichomoniasis in women and men involves the use of Ornidazole for 5 days or metronidazole for 7 days. The majority of doctors recommends using Ornidazole as metronidazole can cause a large number of side effects, including note, weight in the stomach, headache, nausea and belching.

In addition,metronidazole is absolutely not compatible with alcohol, since their joint use may appear severe headache, palpitations, nausea, vomiting and drop in blood pressure.

In chronic trichomoniasis the doctor may be assigned a treatment regimen for 10 days.

To set up to ensure complete healing, sexual partners need to make several repeat studies within 1-2 months after treatment. If after that time the results of the tests fails to detect Trichomonas, and all the symptoms disappear, the disease can be considered defeated.