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What markers of viral hepatitis b and C are used for laboratory diagnosis?

Markers of hepatitis is the appearance of the various structures of the disease. Considered a viral disease is difficult to treat. Hepatitis affects the digestive system.

Laboratory diagnosis

Doctors have identified 2 forms of the disease:

  • acute hepatitis b and A;
  • chronic hepatitis C.

The treatment is carried out after examination of the patient. The main method of diagnosing hepatitis C, and A is the blood test for markers of viral hepatitis. The production of immunoglobulin occurs when entering the human body antigens (core, components, shell of hepatitis b, C or A). At the initial stage of the disease, induces the production of nonspecific antibodies. Then produce specific immunoglobulins to the corresponding component of the virus. For the diagnosis of the disease doctors use them for classes G and M. If detected in the blood IgM, in patient acute process going on. Immunoglobulin G indicate the disease. These antibodies are the main criteria of hepatitis E and A. With their help, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. The main signs of the acute form physicians include:

  • the presence of surface antigen HbsAg;
  • protein HBeAg;
  • immunoglobulin anti-HBc.

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At liver biopsy, a technician takes a cloth body with a needle (weight 0.5 g). For the survey used local anesthesia. The material examined under a microscope. Through such analysis, the doctor receives accurate information about the degree of activity of hepatitis B.

Evaluation of the results

Table of markers of viral hepatitis allows to detect deviations of the data obtained from the norm.

Positive HBs indicates the presence of hepatitis b and C. If the test result is negative, then HBV in the blood is missing. Antibodies to surface antigen presented in the form of protective structures. They are produced when injected into the body of the 2nd antibody. A positive test indicates that the person is protected from the virus for the following reasons:

  • vaccination;
  • independent control of infection.

Anti-HBc is produced in response to the presence in the body core antigen. The result of this test depends on the decoding of anti-HBs and HBsAg. When you receive a positive result of treatment (if the patient wasn't infected in the past). To identify infections, conduct analysis of IgM anti-HBc. A positive result indicates infection of the patient's body for the last 6 months or the aggravation of hepatitis C.

When the active form of the disease, it is recommended to take the analysis of HBeAg. If the test showed a positive result, the patientit is a carrier of the disease. We observed high infectivity of blood. Anti-HBe is a protein formed in the human body in response to the E - antigen of the acute form of the disease.

A positive result indicates the development of hepatitis With low activity due to low levels of HBV in the blood. Otherwise, the patient begins the process of convalescence.

Test positive HBV DNA indicates active replication of the virus of hepatitis B. the Patient potentially dangerous to the surrounding people. If the patient suffers from hepatitis C, a positive result of this study indicates liver damage.