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The symptoms and treatment of respiratory chlamydia

Is now found in such diseases as respiratory chlamydia. It is known that chlamydia often causes diseases of the genitourinary system. Despite this, these microorganisms can enter the human body through the upper respiratory tract, causing bronchitis, pneumonia or asthma. This pathology is diagnosed in children and in adults. What is the etiology, clinic and treatment of respiratory chlamydia?

Respiratory chlamydia

Pulmonary chlamydia is an infectious disease mainly with the aerosol mechanism of transmission, characterized by lesions of the respiratory tract. The main infectious agents are chlamydia pneumoniae. Chlamydia are intracellular microorganisms. They lead a parasitic lifestyle, feeding off a host. In the environment these organisms die within a few minutes. This gram-negative micro-organisms living inside cells. Inside the cells of the human body chlamydia reproduce. Against this background, the infected cells die. Chlamydia are intermediate between viruses and bacteria, because of their anatomical and functional characteristics.

In addition to the airborne route, these microorganisms can be transmitted contact-household, sexual and vertical way. Females are more susceptible to this infection. Respiratory chlamydia in children may develop immediately after birth. Thus can affect various organs. Very often pneumonia in infants is caused by infection of a baby from the mother during passage through the birth canal. Thus, the presence of the mother of urogenital chlamydia trachomatis is a risk factor for respiratory form of the infection to the baby. The incubation period varies from 2 to 4 weeks.

Тошнота при легочном хламидиозе

With the defeat of the respiratory tract, the doctor may prescribe "Bad". It is accepted in the form of syrup. "Not bad," has a decongestant effect, promotes bronchodilation. In addition, it reduces the viscosity of sputum, thereby preventing or eliminating the obstruction. If the disease has a relapsing course, the appropriate use of adjuvants. With this purpose apply nukleinat a sodium, Pentoxy", "Cycloferon". Directly after the treatment course is test a laboratory test (ELISA or PCR). This is done after 1.5-2 months.


You need to know not only the reasons for the development of respiratory chlamydia and its treatment, but also prevention. This is carried out in respect of all three elements of the infectious process: the source of infection, ways and factors of transmission andsusceptibility of the organism. An important measure of prevention of intrauterine infection or infection of children at birth is a massive examination of pregnant women and their treatment. So as not to infect the child after birth, isolation required, and the observance of simple hygienic measures. Specific prophylaxis of respiratory chlamydia is not carried out.


Thus, chlamydia is sexually transmitted and respiratory. In the latter case often affects children. If you notice signs of infection need to see a specialist who will prescribe appropriate therapy (antibiotics). It is not advisable to be treated at home.