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Features symptoms and treatments of acute and chronic urethritis in men

Among urological pathology is not uncommon urethritis men, symptoms, treatment to determine the urologist. In males this disorder is diagnosed much more often and it flows in a more severe form. The urethra is the lower division of the urinary tract of a person. The urethra ends at the external urethral orifice. In men, this channel is already and longer. It is a favorable factor for the growth of bacteria and development of inflammation. What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of urethritis in men?

Types and forms of urethritis in men

Inflammation of the urethra in men is urinary pathology, mainly of microbial origin. In the absence of proper treatment of urethritis is a cause of lesions of other organs (bladder, kidney, prostate, seminal vesicles). Inflammation of the urethra is infectious and non-infectious. Depending on the causes distinguish the following forms of urethritis:

  • bacterial;
  • virus;
  • fungal;
  • chlamydia;
  • Mycoplasma;
  • Trichomonas;
  • radiation;
  • traumatic;
  • allergic;
  • toxic.

Синдром Рейтера

During treatment it is impossible to enter into sexual relationships. Treatment of urethritis traumatic may require surgical intervention. Congestive (congestive) type of inflammation requires normalization lifestyle (increase in motor mode, the time limit for using the computer and watching TV). Allergic form of inflammation of the urethra require the use of antihistamines.

Etiotropic therapy

Urethritis with different etiology are assigned to antimicrobial drugs. She have a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect. In the first case, the microorganisms die and the second suppressed their growth and reproduction. Nonspecific bacterial urethritis is treated with the following antibiotics:

  • cephalosporins (Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone);
  • macrolides (Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin);
  • fluoroquinolones (Abaktalom, Ofloxacin, Pefloxacin);
  • tetracyclines (Doxycycline);
  • sulfonamides.

It is preferable to use drugs with a broad spectrum of action. Assigned to 1 or 2 antibiotics. Most often they are taken orally or administered intramuscularly. The introduction of the drug directly into the urethra. In acute gonorrheal urethritis treatment involves the use of cephalosporins, quinolones or macrolides. The most frequently used the following drugs: Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefaclor, Cefotaxime, Cefoxitin, Oleandomycin, Gentamicin, Azitroks, Azithromycin, Sumamed, Doxycycline.

Whenchronic gonorrheal urethritis therapy system is complemented by local. Inflammation caused by Trichomonas treated by the following means: Metronidazole, courses Beadle trichopolum, Glaygl, Metrogram, Ornidazole. When you are assigned urethritis fungal antifungals (Levorin, Nystatin, fluconazole, Amphotericin B, Clotrimazole, Rifamycin). Only experienced doctors know how to treat urethritis in men, caused by chlamydia.

The greatest activity against chlamydia show macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines. The most effective Azithromycin. Penicillins are not effective. Viral (herpes) are assigned etiology antiviral drugs (Ganciclovir, Acyclovir, Zovirax). Treatment of folk remedies don't always produce good results. The doctor says it can be included in complex therapy of patients. Prevention of urethritis in men implies the exclusion of casual and unprotected sex, the treatment of other infectious diseases, to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Thus, the symptoms of urethritis in men is more pronounced than in women.