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Symptoms, treatment and prevention of prostate cancer (code ICD 10 From 61)

In our days prostate cancer with the code according to ICD 10 From 61 very common. This dangerous disease affects more often men's body. Worldwide marked increase in the incidence of this cancer disease. The causes of death, life-threatening tumor is a leader in many countries. The loss of population from malignant neoplastic disease is growing rapidly.

The prostate is located directly under the bladder. Her features are very important for the body men. The size of the gland does not exceed the size of a large chestnut. An enlarged prostate have more than half of men after 50 years.

Risk factors of neoplastic process

Scientific studies have shown:

  1. Familial predisposition to cancer about 42% increases the risk of developing pathology. If the blood relatives in the direct line had such a diagnosis, the likelihood of the threat of disease increases 5 times. This is due to the mutation of genes.
  2. In the development of cancer of the prostate age often plays a role of a trigger. The human body, crossed the 50-year milestone, is at increased risk of dangerous diseases.
  3. Adverse environmental conditions. In our days, an excess of molybdenum, cadmium, zinc deficiency is characteristics of the environment.
  4. Smoking, alcohol, saturated fats in large quantities negatively affect men's health. The development of oncological diseases cause food preferences. Red meat, high-calorie food, lack of vegetables in the diet promote the development of the disease. Such unhealthy food causes hormonal imbalance and disorders in the body.

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For malignant pathology has specific features:

  1. Cancer of the prostate develops very slowly, and metastasizes very quickly. From the initial stage of occurrence of tiny tumors before metastasis sometimes it takes more than 10 years.
  2. When the patient notices the first symptoms of cancer disease, they are usually associated with the development of metastases. If there is metastasis of tumors in any organ, its function is impaired, there are obvious signs of trouble in the body.
  3. Such malignant processes in the early stages usually occur with a few symptoms. A man may live many years without knowing anything about the development of the cancer process.

Early detection of cancer possible

To detect a dangerous illness allow research:

  1. Every representative of the stronger sex may use simple securemethod. It lies in the early detection of PSA (prostate-specific antigen). This protein is produced by prostate cells. If you experience problems with men's health in the circulatory system increases its concentration. Doctors carried out research on the content in the body of a DOG. These problems can wear both malignant and benign.
  2. When the results of the PSA test show high levels of this protein in the blood of men, it is said that the need for further examination of the patient. The man should consult a urologist who will conduct a rectal finger examination.
  3. In the course of diagnostic procedures in the prostate can be identified certain areas that indicate the development of malignancy. If necessary, performs transrectal ultrasound and biopsy.

Prostate cancer can be prevented. Annually to be tested by a doctor-urologist. A blood test for PSA should do 1 every 2 years every man after 50 years. It is absolutely necessary to stop Smoking.

The treatment of the disease

According to the study oncologist chooses the tactics of treatment individually, taking into account the peculiarities and the stage of cancer:

  1. Localized forms of the disease. Their treatment is technically more simple, patients find it relatively easy. Radical prostatectomy gives a fairly good result. Successfully used brachytherapy (radiation therapy). Surgical treatments are used if the tumor has not yet metastasized.
  2. The success of the treatment depends on the stage of the disease. Timely treatment of localized forms of prostate cancer at an early stage gives good results. Five-year survival rate is nearing 100%.
  3. Modern oncologists are applying effective therapies. By the doctor the patient receive hormonal treatment and chemotherapy.

Today, urologists say that it is possible to cure prostate cancer (code ICD 10 - 61). The sooner a tumor is discovered, the more oncologists chance to give the man a normal life.