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The causes of calcification in the prostate gland, methods for their diagnosis and treatment

Most men are quite often found calcification in the prostate gland. What it is, why they are formed and what it may lead - it is important to know, as almost every man has problems with the body. Prostate disease occurs in men mostly after 50 years. Earlier, their identification may serve as a prerequisite to conducting additional studies to clarify the diagnosis early lesions of the prostate is regarded as a precancerous or precancerous condition). A long time symptoms may be absent, and the calcification detected incidentally. As their growth appears to be characteristic as the violation of urination (if the calcification is located near the prostatic urethra).

What is calcification of the prostate?

Calcification is such a dense rounded education, visible in the conduct of imaging studies (usually ultrasound and x-ray). The reasons leading to the deposition of calcium salts and the formation of calcification, pretty much. The main processes that contribute to their emergence, the following:

  1. A urinary tract infection. Are one of the main causes of calcification in breast tissue. Most often, their creation cause sluggish oligosymptomatic diseases (e.g., ureoplazmoz). As a result of penetration of the microorganism in the tissue of the prostate gland develops local inflammatory reaction that eventually ends with the "organization" designated activity of microbe and formation of a zone of compaction (calcinate).
  2. Injuries and operations. These reasons contribute to the development of local ischemia in the tissue of the gland, and deterioration of blood flow in it. As a result, under the influence of the immune system is the limit of ischemia, which leads to the appearance of calcifications
  3. Metabolic disease. Contribute to the deposition of various salts in many internal organs, including the prostate gland.

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It is carried out, as a rule, local therapists and surgeons (proctologists and urologists). Palpation of the prostate through the rectum fails to identify the seal, tenderness, change in shape and contours.

Laboratory studies do not provide reliable data on the presence of calcification in breast tissue, but be sure to hold the determination of the amount of PSA (prostate-specific antigen), an increase of which indicates the development of neoplastic process and is one of the main methods of differential diagnostics of prostate diseases. Instrumental studiesare key in diagnosis. Most studies used ultrasound of the gland. This procedure is enough to detect defects in tissues of the prostate, determining the centers of the seals and identify their characteristics. With the help of ultrasound can determine the contours of the seals, their structure and localization. Urethroscopy and cystoscopy are conducted only to clarify the nature of the pathological process, as during the procedure if you have large calcification may damage the ureteroscope as the urethra and the tissues of the gland.

The most accurate method of diagnosis is magnetic resonance imaging, it is only shown if a hard differentiable comorbidity or doubt in the diagnosis (usually ultrasound).


What methods can be used to get rid of the calcification in the prostate?

With a small size and lack of compression of the vessels and the urethra, conservative treatment is indicated.

Used primarily medical and symptomatic therapy. Applied physiotherapy (e.g., electrophoresis with antibiotics or metabolic products). Due to the action of the current the ions of the substances penetrate into the breast tissue, improving the local blood flow in the affected area, thereby contributing to the resorption of the calcification. Additionally, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics orally (in that case, if there is a chronic infectious process). It is recommended to use preparations of the fluoroquinolones group (under the supervision of the attending physician not to have developed complications and dysbacteriosis). In advanced cases surgical treatment is shown. It is used when the risk of developing urinary incontinence, with significant compression of the blood vessels, which can lead to tissue necrosis.

The surgery can be done in several ways - remotely and directly through the incision. Calcification in the prostate can be removed and with laser. Under its influence, there is a "fragmentation" of the stones, and then salts are removed as the blood, and the allocation of prostatic secretion. Minimally invasive surgery is considered to be conducting transurethral resection of the affected tissues. The operation is performed through the urethra (the part where it passes through the tissue of the pancreas). In parallel with the removal of prostate tissue is performed cauterization of tissue, eliminating the risk of infection in the remaining part of the body and bladder. Removal of the prostate carried out in the presence of large calcification, development of urinary retention, necrosis of the gland and bladder.

Prevention of disease

How canprevent calcification? Specific prevention of this disease does not exist, and all available methods do not guarantee absolute protection against the development of salt deposits. It is recommended that regular and timely conduct routine inspections and surveys. With their help it is possible to determine the development of calcification and to take timely and appropriate measures, limiting conservative therapy. Normalization of lifestyle and nutrition are used as a means of prevention of most diseases, including in the SFL. You should limit the use of sour products, sausages, fat meat and alcohol. In addition, you should be aware of means of individual protection, as they help prevent not only unplanned pregnancy but most sexually transmitted infections.Regular sex with a constant partner helps to reduce the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system.