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The manifestation of trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) in men and women

Trichomoniasis (also called trichomoniasis) is a sexually transmitted infection that is called a simple parasitic organism Trichomonas vaginalis.

The prevalence and features of transmission

Transmission of the causative agent of trichomoniasis is through sexual contact. Women suffer more often than men. Trichomonas is found in vaginal fluids in women and discharge from the urethra in men. Pathogens never detected in the oral cavity and rare in the rectum. The incubation period of Trichomonas infection is 4 to 28 days.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in women

Trichomoniasis in women can occur with varying degrees of aggressiveness. Some patients no symptoms at all, others in severe inflammatory process involves the uterus with appendages.

Usually girls complain of excessive vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. The released fluid may be purulent, milky-frothy or bloody. Foamy discharge is considered a typical symptom of trichomoniasis (a colony of trichomonads are capable of producing carbon dioxide), but there are only 12% of women.

Also trichomoniasis is manifested by itching and burning in the region of the urinary organs. Patients may complain of pain during intercourse, bleeding, pain in lower abdomen after intercourse.

During the inspection of the vagina, the doctor can see the redness of the mucous membrane of the diffuse nature. vaginal fluid pH is shifted to alkaline side. Sometimes on the mucous membrane there are inflammatory point, by which it acquires a granular appearance.

Trichomonas infection is also found so-called matulessy type of inflammation. In this case the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix covered with spots of intense red color.

Matulessy colpitis (inflammation of vagina) is considered the most typical of trichomoniasis. In colposcopy (inspection of the mucosa with an increase), it is detected in 45% of cases.

10% of women at palpation of the abdomen, the doctor can detect tenderness in the lower divisions.

Trichomoniasis often there are cases of mixed infection. Joining gonococcal flora or fungi complicates the clinical picture.

Most of the above symptoms are not specific for trichomoniasis and can be present with other types of vaginitis. The exact diagnosis can be established only after laboratory studies.

Manifestations of trichomoniasis in men

In men, Trichomonas infection can also be asymptomatic. In case of obvious infection trichomoniasis is manifested in the formurethritis (inflammation of urethra).

The main symptom of urethritis is the presence of discharge from the urethra (the urethra). They can be slimy or purulent. In addition, trichomoniasis in men is manifested by pain and itching in the area of inflammation, shortness of painful urination. Sometimes you may feel pain in testicles and lower abdomen.

Urethritis in men may be complicated by balanica (inflammation of the glans penis), epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis of the testis located in the scrotum), prostatitis.

As the disease appears in newborns

When passing through the birth canal mother suffering from trichomoniasis, a female child can get infected by this disease. Trichomonas infection in newborns is accompanied by secretions of the vagina and prone to self-resolution.

Diagnosis and prognosis

For laboratory diagnosis of the disease several methods are used that complement each other: the detection of Trichomonas in vaginal fluid in the study under the microscope, sowing and cultivation of the pathogen (culture method), determination of antibodies to Trichomonas vaginalis in blood, determination of fragments of the genetic code of Trichomonas in the organism (polymerase chain reaction).

Full recovery is attainable in most cases. For lasting effect requires parallel treatment of both sexual partners.