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Symptoms, signs, treatment of cytomegalovirus in women

Cytomegalovirus infection is recorded in almost 70% of the population and in most cases does not cause disease, no women, no men. The presence of viral antibodies in the blood tells just about the carriage of the microbe, but does not oblige to the treatment. Therefore, it is considered a normal variant.

On the carriage, a woman may not even realize the infection is determined during routine examination or pregnancy. The symptoms first appear when the immune system crashes. It can be with immunodeficiencies, such as HIV, cancer pathology in the final stage, the receiving immunosuppressants.

Cytomegalovirus belongs to the group of herpes viruses and is transmitted, respectively, as well. Most likely the infection is airborne and sexually transmitted. But also can be found the household pathway, when blood transfusions and organ transplants, and from mother during childbirth or during breastfeeding.

Once in the body for the first time, the virus settles in the salivary and mucous glands of the reproductive system. Like herpes, cytomegalovirus is an intracellular parasite. It causes a sharp increase in the size of cells of the organs in which it is propagated.

Symptoms of cytomegalovirus in women

Recognition and treatment of the disease is complicated by the fact that cytomegalovirus infection is not typical for it features. It may be different: sluggish (like the common cold) or acutely with a sharp jump in the temperature and symptoms similar to mononucleosis.

In the first case, the patient observed low-grade fever, joint pain and decreased performance, coughing with a runny nose, as with any respiratory infection.

And in the case of mononucleotides currents likely multiple swollen lymph nodes, tonsils and lymphatic tissue (plaques) of the intestines. Sometimes also increase the spleen and liver, may appear vesicular (bubbly) rash on the body (although in rare cases). Affecting the salivary glands, cytomegalovirus can cause increased salivation.


While in the reproductive system of women, CMV can activate inflammatory processes of the uterus and gonads, which is accompanied by the appearance of pathological vaginal discharge. When the immune system drops so that the virus is outside the salivary and mucous glands, it can capture all the internal organs.

So, in immunocompromised AIDS patients or cancer patients with possible cytomegalovirus sepsis or meningitis, which without immediate treatment, result in death.

And, of course, the main complications of this infection are related to pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Symptomsinfection during pregnancy

Cytomegalovirus in women often first manifests itself during pregnancy, due to endocrine changes. Thus, if asymptomatic, he lived in a woman's body quite a long time, the infection does not pose a threat to pregnancy and requires no treatment.

If the infection occurred during pregnancy, especially in the beginning, the disease can lead to death of the embryo. This is because the immunity woman does not have time to synthesize protective antibodies, and the virus infects the fetus – most often his nervous system. However, if a pregnant caught in the later stages, these risks are significantly reduced as all system of the baby is already formed.

Despite the widespread opinion that in cases of CMV, the woman shown a caesarean section, it does not protects the child from infection. Therefore, the majority of women give birth on their own. If the child full-term and without anomalies, it's possible to fully breastfeeding.

If the baby has congenital abnormalities, and the mother registered the acute phase of antibodies to cytomegalovirus, the child is on artificial food.

Definition of limitation of infection

In order to ascertain the duration of infection with cytomegalovirus during pregnancy all women take serological tests, which determine two types of antibodies.

Antibodies M indicate the acute phase of the disease when the infection happened just a few weeks or a month ago. Antibodies G, on the contrary, suggests that infection in the body for a long time and poses no danger. If both antibodies are detected simultaneously, it means an exacerbation of symptoms of chronic cytomegalovirus.

The basics of treatment

Treatment is required only if the patient has symptoms and their relationship to cytomegalovirus infection proven. Thus completely expel the virus from the body is impossible, you can only suppress its manifestations and to increase the resistance of the immune defense.

To treat salivary gland disease is only necessary in case of generalized infection in patients with immunodeficiency and Oncology, in preparation for organ transplants and pregnant women with symptoms of acute flow. To treat the infection in these cases as specific antiviral drugs and medicines for General improvement of the immune system.

The first group of drugs for specific treatment are drugs based on acyclovir, famciclovir and their derivatives. And the second – the drugs interferon ("interferon", "Cycloferon") and the immunoglobulins, forming a passive immunity to the virus.

Furthermore they can separatelyto treat the symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection to alleviate. For example, to reduce the temperature take non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, and for the relief of runny nose vasoconstrictor drops.