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Preparations (candles, medicines, tablets) for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection

Cytomegalovirus, like other Herpes family viruses, once in the human body remain there forever. Talk about a complete expulsion is not necessary, so the treatment of the infection is only in the suppression of the activity.

  • generalized forms of infection with involvement of internal organs;
  • salivary gland disease in patients with immunodeficiency (AIDS, cancer);
  • detection of cytomegalovirus in need of organ transplantation;
  • salivary gland disease in newborns;
  • acute cytomegalovirus infection during pregnancy.

Drugs for the treatment of CMV infection

In the treatment of cytomegalovirus of the following drugs:

  • противоцитомегаловирусныйиммуноглобулин: "Cytotech", "Neocytotect";
  • Immunostimulants:"Isoprinosine";
  • antiviral tablets:"Acyclovir", "Famciclovir", "Panavir";
  • interferon preparations:"Tsikloferon", "Viferon";
  • symptomatic agents.

For the prevention of infection cytomegalovirus infection is the development of vaccines that stimulate the formation of active immunity to CMV. He persists much longer in contrast to passive immunization with immunoglobulin.

Specific immunoglobulin

Drugs cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin ("Cytotech", "Neocytotect") are isolated from plasma infected with human cytomegalovirus ready specific antibodies. It is a protein substance that undergo a full cycle of purification and viral inactivation, due to what are considered absolutely safe even for patients with severely immunocompromised and newborns.

Thanks to the active filtration products are free of antibodies to the viruses HIV, hepatitis, etc.

At presence at the patient of allergic reactions to apply the immunoglobulin is in parallel with the administration of antihistamines. This will help avoid skin rashes, angioedema and even anaphylaxis.

Cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin is widely assigned in newborns and pregnant women for the prevention of intrauterine infection of the fetus. It refers to the means of passive immunization and, unlike vaccines and "Isoprinosine" does not load for immunity.

Intramuscularly 1.5 ml for an adult. The course of treatment – 4-5 injections with an interval of 3-5 days. For newborns, the dose is calculated individually, taking into account the weight. Keep the preparation required in the refrigerator and before use warm the ampoule to body temperature. Its introduction is not advised to be combined with vaccines against rubella, measles, mumps and chickenpox.



Immunostimulant "Isoprinosine is a derivative of purine and increases the body's resistance to viral invasions. In addition to CMV infection, it is active against viruses of herpes, influenza, measles etc. the Drug is well absorbed in the intestine and is applied after a meal. Due to the fact that it increases the concentration of uric acid in the blood, it is not recommended to take patients with gout, urolithiasis, and renal failure.

The action of Isoprinosine has several directions at once. It increases the activity of lymphocytes and stimulates the formation of monocytes, which engulf the viral particles. Also, the drug activates the production of specific CMV immunoglobulins, interleukins and interferons. Assigned to enhance immunity.


These include drugs with direct antiviral effects that inhibit replication and reproduction of cytomegalovirus ("Ganciclovir", "Famciclovir"). Antiviral action have "Isoprinosine and interferon.

And there are drugs as a ready-interferons isolated from a donor ("Viferon"), and inducers, which stimulate the production of their own ("Neovir"). In addition to tablets and solutions for injection, they are often released in the form of suppositories and ointments.

Often in complex treatment of cytomegalovirus patients are assigned to symptomatic treatment. When the temperature – NSAIDs with antipyretic effect ("Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol"). When cold – nose drops with vasoconstrictor effect ("Galazolin", "Otrivin"). Dry cough – a means to promote liquefaction and expectoration of sputum ("Mukaltin", "ACC").

In cytomegalovirus infection with lesions of the urogenital system total therapy supplemented with topical application of candlesticks.

Cytomegalovirus vaccine

Despite the fact that CMV affects practically 90% of the total population, effective prevention is still there. Given the various transmission paths, to protect yourself from infection is almost impossible. The persistent attempts of scientists to develop an effective vaccine is not yet successful. And existing vaccinations that have long been introduced in the United States and Europe, are no guarantee, though, and reduce the risk of infection.