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How many and how to appear as treated the symptoms of solid (primary, hard) chancre

A chancre (syphilis) is a serious, chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum (pale Treponema). The disease is transmitted sexually. If untreated the infection has a prolonged character, when of exacerbation followed by periods of remission. Men and women appear specific local inflammation in all organs.

The incubation period lasts from the moment of infection to the appearance of the chancre. The duration of this period is about 3-4 weeks (can vary from 10 to 80 days). The latent period is lengthened due to the antibiotics.

Half of patients develops tertiary syphilis many years later, after contact with the pathogen. Irreversible lesions affecting the bones, joints, skin and mucous membranes.

Signs and symptoms of the chancre

The development of syphilis occurs in four stages:

  • Primary.
  • Secondary.
  • Latent.
  • Late (tertiary).

At the beginning of the disease there is a chancre. It is a painless ulcer with a firm border. The chancre occurs at the point of contact with the body of infection. Around it is not observed signs of inflammation. The Central part of the chancre is covered with gray-yellow thick coating. Its diameter ranges from 10 to 20 mm.

The chancre is usually on the external genitals in men and women. Chancre affects the glans, the foreskin, at least the skin of the scrotum and pubis, large and small labia. In medical practice, described cases of syphiloma in the anal canal, in the mouth, on the tongue, lips, nipples or throat. Thus, this rigid ulcers can appear on any area of the body.

Originating in approximately 21 days after contact with the pathogen, the chancre usually heals within 6 weeks even without medication. Swollen lymph nodes located in the groin, under the armpits and on the neck, occurring during the weeks after the formation of the chancre.

How many symptoms of secondary syphilis

The characteristics of the secondary stage of the disease are observed within 6 weeks to 6 months after contact. During this period, the skin of men and women a rash of cases in which there are active forms of bacteria. Skin rash is a pustules and blisters on the mucous membranes and other parts of the body. Often. For example, affects the palms, soles of the feet, face and scalp.

Sores on the mucous membranes and in skin folds merge into one large wound, covered, over time, gray-pink tinge. Spotted syphilis on the mucous membrane – a typical diagnostic feature (appears on the lips, inside the nose, vulva and vagina).

This stage is characterized by other systemic symptomsdiseases:

  1. headaches;
  2. fever;
  3. fatigue;
  4. weight loss;
  5. sore throat;
  6. alopecia areata;
  7. swollen lymph nodes;
  8. loss of appetite.

The human immune system is able to overcome these symptoms without treatment, but they can re-appear after 1-2 years. The body of men and women are not able to completely overcome the infection, but may at some time to eliminate the symptoms.

The last stage of an infection caused by a pale Treponema

Without treatment, syphilis may go into a latent (hidden) stage. In this case, the tests for Treponema pallidum positive, but there are no external signs of disease. This stage is quite long and takes several years.

Some people never see any symptoms, but in 30-50% of patients untreated, the disease progresses to the tertiary (late) syphilis.

At this stage there is a slow destruction of the nervous system and circulatory system. Bacterial toxins stimulate severe damage to the heart and aorta, brain and eyes, bones and joints. Irreversible destruction of organs and systems ends with the death of the patient.

In the late period of syphilis develops bacterial cell clusters (infectious granulomas) in various tissues of the body. Skin granulomas are called Gumm. Such syphilitic chronic infiltrates in the form of node apart, causing irreversible damage. For example, the disintegration of the granulomas in the soft or hard parts of the sky causing the perforation of the tissues.

Diagnosis of the chancre

Laboratory diagnosis of infectious material is performed in a darkfield microscope. Blood tests for syphilis are now used more often, but the disease can be detected in blood only after 4-6 weeks after the appearance of the chancre.

Sick mother, which neglects the treatment, in 80-85% of cases is infection of the fetus in the uterus, as Treponema passes through the placental barrier. Thus, a child is born with symptoms of congenital syphilis.

During the primary stage of syphilis (stage of appearance of the chancre) in men following possible complications:

  1. balanitis;
  2. balanoposthitis;
  3. inflammatory phimosis;
  4. paraphimosis;
  5. Fredericka ulcer.

For 3-5 months of the disease begin intensive hair loss (syphilitic alopecia). The resulting inflammation, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis and other destructive processes – a direct result of the effects of tertiary syphilis on the body.

The treatment of the disease

The gold standard of treatment is daily intramuscular injections of procaine penicillin. Dosage andthe duration of therapy depends on the clinical picture: the size and location of the chancre, secondary mucous manifestations of neurosyphilis. If symptoms are absent, the dosage is determined according to serological test results.

The alternative treatment is a single injection of benzathine penicillin is able to overcome primary and secondary syphilis. This injection is recommended and the partners with whom the patient had unprotected sexual contact for the purpose of prevention of the disease.