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The main symptoms and treatments for soft chancre (chancroid)

Soft chancre, or chancroid (venereal ulcers), is an acute sexually transmitted infection, manifested by the numerous sores on the genitals (in the vast majority of cases) and inflammatory process in the lymph nodes.

Chancroid turned around the epidemic in poor countries of Africa, Central and South America, South-East Asia. In some of these regions chancroid in the number of cases surpassed syphilis.

But not only the population of the underdeveloped countries is exposed to this disease. In UK hospitals, the United States, Italy regularly treat people with symptoms of chancroid. In the CIS countries, this infection is rare, and its symptoms appear mainly in people recently returned from abroad.

Doctors in the US believe that the chancroid has a relationship with HIV. About 10% of patients with chancroid are additionally infected with syphilis and genital herpes.

Symptoms of chancroid

At the end of the incubation period in the localization of exposure of the pathogen (has streptobacillus) there is the first symptom of the disease – swelling of small size, painted in bright red color. After some time of edema nodule appears, which later becomes a vesicle with pus.

After a few days it will burst and in its place comes the actual soft chancre, having the form of a painful ulcer and without a clear shape from 2 to several tens of millimeters in diameter.

Formed ulcer is rapidly growing, increasing both in width and in depth. For infection characterized painful and bleeding wound that is distinguished chancroid from the chancre (in the latter case, the ulcer has a thick bottom and is not characterized by tenderness), foreshadowing the development of syphilis.

The bottom of chancroid he is soft on palpation, peripheral ulcers surrounded by inflammatory edema at the base of the ulcer is visible purulent bloody RAID. Penetrating the surrounding tissue, the pus from the wound contributes to the development of many new smaller ulcerations.

As a rule, newly emerging small wounds surround the large main ulcer, merging together. Usually in this disease at the same time, there are several wounds of different degree of development.

Symptoms of infection in the majority of cases are localized in the organs of the urogenital system:

  • labia;
  • wall of the urethra;
  • navicular fossa;
  • the frenulum of the penis;
  • the inner leaves of the foreskin.

There are also cases of occurrence of symptoms in other places. Education that appear outside of the reproductive system, is called the primary manifestations of chancroid.

Localization of wounds in this case, it depends on how it happened, the introduction of the parasite in the body of the patient. In most rare cases, the chancre appears at the districtthe anus in the form of deep painful cracks (in the case of anal sex), mouth (during oral sex).

The emergence of chancroid, the doctors and medical staff can be linked with their professional activities. Then chancroid will cover the fingers and hand.

Secondary symptoms

In addition to the primary symptoms of the disease note the occurrence of secondary symptoms. They arise as a result of contact of pus from a primary chancre on the adjacent region of the body (at the hips, for example). As a rule, wines in a similar course of the disease lies entirely on the patient, as it with his hands spreading the infection from ulcers on the genitals to other areas of the body.

Variants of the disease

The symptoms usually last 2 to 4 weeks, then the basis of self-cleaning wounds, and with time there is healing. In place of chancroid the scar is formed. If the disease proceeds normally, the wound will heal after a couple of months since infection. In the case of complications of the ulcer will take longer.

If you delay the treatment of illness and let it take its course without consulting with the problem of the venereal disease soft chancre can progress, affecting the lymph nodes and capillaries, leading to serious consequences.

When chancroidal ulceration may spread not only in width but also in depth. In this scenario, you may experience varieties gangrenous infection, which is the most severe form of chancroid in the treatment plan.

Route of infection chancroid

The vast majority of patients were infected through sexual contact with an infected person. US statistics says that the sailors and military contact in the bulk with prostitutes infected with chancroid more common than syphilis.

Infection "at hand" damaged skin and mucous membranes. In rare cases, the disease is transmitted napolovi contact. There are suggestions that children in hospitals are infected from the medical staff.

The treatment of the disease

Chancroid in the early stages of development can be treated effectively by patients receiving antibiotics and sulfonamides. Often used to treat infection the antibiotics not only destroy the pathogen (streptobacilli), but the causative agent of syphilis (Treponema Treponema).

The treatment takes no more than 2 weeks, after which the patient for 6 months left on the account at the doctor-venereologist with the aim of preventing recurrence and the development of syphilis.