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What are the different types of hepatitis and the means of infection of them?

Before considering all types of hepatitis and ways of Contracting them, it should be clarified that this is an inflammatory disease that affects the liver. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. If the poisoning by different poisons or liver was infected by a virus is the acute form, chronic can be continued if treatment has been unsuccessful. The chronic form may occur independently - for example, alcoholism.

Types of hepatitis

So, what are the different kinds of hepatitis? Depending on what causes led to the emergence of the disease, there are viral and not viral hepatitis. The most common liver disease, which is caused by a virus is the infectious disease, or hepatitis A. the Most serious liver damage occur with jaundice. This symptom may be completely absent, but the patient in this case will be the source of the virus, infecting other people. View And accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite, pain in the abdomen.

The most dangerous viruses of hepatitis b and C: they have a severe form of infection, is often observed a chronic course of the disease. The patient feels tired, aching muscles and joints, there is headache and pain in the abdomen. An effective vaccine against this disease does not exist, because hepatitis C has 11 subspecies, distinguished by the set of genes of a virus-pathogen. Chronic disease can lead to cirrhosis or even liver cancer.

Симптомы гепатита В

Hepatitis b can be transmitted during unprotected sex, when applying the tattoo using a shaving device or a manicure, if they are droplets of blood. This disease is not transmitted through coughing, shaking hands or hugging.

Infection with hepatitis D and E occurs mainly through the blood, the disease occurs in acute form. At greatest risk are drug users who use one needle for several persons. At risk are the healthcare workers who are dealing with blood: they need to work with gloves to reduce the risk of infection.

To determine the type of disease and purpose of a particular treatment, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests. To predict the course of the disease very hard, but in the early stages the treatment is going well.

To avoid hepatitis infection, should observe good personal hygiene, carefully handle food and, if possible, to vaccinate.