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Why would a newborn need a vaccine against hepatitis b virus?

Vaccination against hepatitis b for newborns is a necessary measure that should be taken immediately after birth. Parents who refuse vaccinations against hepatitis, making a mistake, because the body of the newborn will not be able to fight the infection if it occurs.

What is hepatitis b?

It is an acute infectious liver disease caused by the same virus. Each year from hepatitis die in approximately 1 million people, and in some countries is a serious disease even acknowledged the epidemic. When you are vaccinated, your risk is reduced.

Hepatitis b not only causes a background complications that destabilisateur the body's immune system, but can become the primary cause of liver cancer.

Most of the deaths caused by liver cancer can be prevented if diagnosis is made promptly and correctly. That's why the vaccination is given so much attention, especially if we are talking about newborns.

Hepatitis penetrates into the human body through blood transfusion, through saliva or other secretions of the body. Often the cause of infection of the baby can be mother suffering from hepatitis b or carry the virus infection. If the hepatitis is detected after birth or in the later stages of pregnancy, the woman is prescribed serious medications that can help destroy the virus. If you do not take treatment and to ignore the advice of a doctor, the risk of infection will be more than 90%.

Why you need a vaccination against this virus?

Vaccination is necessary for all people, regardless of place of residence and age. However, it is worth remembering that infants vaccinated against hepatitis b to do just need to: this will help to get rid of problems in the future and to prevent an infection.

Traditionally vaccinated several times in a specific pattern:

  1. In the first 12 hours of life.
  2. 1 month after the first.
  3. 2 months after the birth of a baby.
  4. 12 months after birth.

If parents have not been able to vaccinate a child for this scheme, it is necessary to consult the pediatrician, who will tell you how to solve the problem. You also cannot seek help from traditional healers traditional therapy will only aggravate the situation, and the adoption of various medicinal herbs can be considered a good prevention, but did not complete treatment.

Where it is possible to make vaccination?

Vaccination against hepatitis b in newborns is usually done in the hospital or in a specialized clinic where there is a mom and examination to the parents.

Rarely, vaccination takes place at home. This is due to the fact that the apartment has no conditions thatto carry out the procedure correctly and accurately. Therefore, if the child is assigned to a vaccination, you must come by appointment to the nearest clinic at the place of stay or of residence, where the doctor will not only a vaccination against hepatitis, but other necessary procedures.

If vaccination was not done immediately after birth (due to poor health), vaccination is done when the condition of the newborn stabiliziruemost. Much depends on whether the mother transferred the disease. If the parents of a newborn was suffering from hepatitis or recognized by the media, may require additional advice from specialists of the dispensary, which not only make the vaccine, but also put the newborn on the account.

What complications can occur?

Complications after the vaccination - a very rare phenomenon, especially when you consider the fact that proper vaccination is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician. However, in certain situations, all possible violations caused by the effect of the drug and the weakness of the body of the newborn.

After the injection you may receive pain at the injection site, mild fever, fatigue. After some time the side effects will pass and the drug will continue. If the baby started crying during the vaccinations and resist, it means that he is experiencing discomfort, not associated with the vaccine composition.

Modern vaccines are used in medicine, is evaluated by the experts as completely safe and hypoallergenic. They are shown newborns and is recommended for use in the masses.

Are there any contraindications?

In each situation involving a potential health hazard, you should carefully consider the choice of clinic and doctor. If the baby is vaccinated, you need to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the organism and choose the best option.

If a child has an Allergy to Thiomersal or Baker's yeast and some other components included in the vaccine, vaccination is strictly prohibited. This can not only harm the baby's health, but also lead to death.

Many parents doubt whether to do inoculations to children suffering from asthma. Despite the various disputes and contradictions, to implement vaccination is still possible. Hepatitis b and asthma have nothing to do with each other, so the level of risk is reduced to almost zero.

When shot, the baby should be completely healthy. It is strictly forbidden to produce any medical intervention during a cold, SARS and flu. Before you make an injection, the physician should check the temperature of baby: she should strictly conform to the norm. If the vaccine is introduced in the patient orweakened body, the child may become seriously ill or even die.

After the parents had been cured of a newborn must undergo a month. After this period you can go to the doctor.