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Why the results of the analysis for hepatitis b, C can be false positive?

False positive analysis for hepatitis C is quite rare and, according to statistics, occurs in 10-15% of cases of all ongoing research. This phenomenon may be due to several reasons have a different nature.

At initial diagnosis of hepatitis in most cases the analysis carried out by ELISA method. This technique helps the technician to determine the presence or absence of venous blood in the patient of antibodies to the virus of hepatitis C.

If the result is negative, then it indicates the absence of contact of the body with the virus. If antibodies in the blood was discovered, it does not always indicate the presence of disease. Antigens could be formed due to the reaction of the immune system to different pathogenic causative agent of an infectious nature or as a result of successful fight against the virus, which at the time of the study already depressed.

Therefore, a positive test cannot be considered unambiguous. Because antibodies to the hepatitis b virus, known as IgG antibodies persist in the blood up to 8-10 years after the destruction of the virus. In addition, the positive rate observed in patients who are carriers of the virus.

What is false positive result?

False positive analysis of research on the presence of specific antibodies to the hepatitis is fixed in the case, if the test results are positive, but the viral pathogen is absent. This can occur as a result of exposure to external or internal factors.

Беременность как причина ложноположительного анализа на гепатит с

Characteristics of the study pregnancy

Expectant mothers during pregnancy should be tested for hepatitis b at least 3 times. It is quite often recorded cases of so-called false-positive analysis, which is associated with defined changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

This is facilitated by the following reasons:

  1. Changes in hormonal balance.
  2. Violation of metabolic processes.
  3. Flu.
  4. Respiratory infection.
  5. The process of gestation.

This is due to entry into the reaction similar to proteins produced by the immune system of a pregnant woman penetrate the body of foreign agents pathogenic nature.

In addition, plasma samples of blood expectant mothers considered to be complex, which increases the likelihood of false results of the analysis in pregnant women. Also in this period may be reported false-positive hepatitis B. Therefore, whenthe detection in the patient's blood of antibodies to the viruses of hepatitis C or b, assigned additional research.

Additional diagnostics

As additional diagnosis of hepatitis, the patient is assigned to the following types of research procedures:

  1. Test the recombinant immunobloting.
  2. Analysis by polymerase chain reaction.
  3. Analysis on bilirubin.
  4. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, in the determination of structural changes in the liver.

False positive analysis for the detection of antibodies to hepatitis occurs rarely, but can become for the patient a real psihoemozionale shock and cause a lot of discomfort. Experts recommend not to despair in case of positive result of the analysis, and to complete additional research on the disease hepatitis.