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The symptoms and treatment of infectious hepatitis

Infectious hepatitis is a serious disease of the liver inflammatory disorders caused by pathogens of viral or bacterial origin. Disease requires greater attention because of the high degree of contamination and the risk consequences. Currently, infectious hepatitis has been well studied: it was found the main ways of transmission, characteristic symptoms, found effective methods of treatment.


Classification of infectious hepatitis

Infectious hepatitis often cause hepatotropic viruses, sometimes, a cytomegalovirus, viruses of rubella, herpes simplex, HIV and others.

Depending on the methods of infection, intensity of negative impact on the liver and the extent of damage on there are several types of specified diseases: A, b, C, D, E, G.

Infectious hepatitis a (Botkin's disease) is the most common type of this group of diseases. It is transmitted fecal-oral way. The extent of the disease reaches 100%. From the moment of infection before the detection of the first symptoms can take place 7-45 days. With timely treatment to the doctor the outcome of the treatment of Botkin's disease is very favorable.

Hepatitis b is transmitted sexually, through blood, when using non-sterile syringes. This form of infectious hepatitis has an incubation period of 6 months. In people with hepatitis b increases liver and spleen, impaired their normal functioning.

Тошнота как симптом инфекционного гепатита

Treatment and management tactics

Treatment of infectious hepatitis should be integrated and comprehensive. Depending on the type of hepatitis and neglect of the disease it can be therapeutic or surgical.

Therapeutic treatment includes:

  • detoxification therapy to eliminate the symptoms of poisoning;
  • medications for protection and restoration of liver cells;
  • vitamins.

Complete recovery is possible in the acute form with timely treatment to the medical institution. In the case of rebirth disease into a chronic incurable form purpose of drug exposure becomes reducing liver damage, preventing cancer and cirrhosis. In the treatment of hepatitis C, which is the most dangerous form of the disease, use the medication interferon alpha, which is based on preventing virus infection of healthy tissue of the organ.

In the surgical treatment used laparoscopic surgery. In some cases, require a transplant.

It should be noted that the recovery of patientsinfectious hepatitis is impossible without use of special diets and bed rest.

Diet plays in the treatment of any type of hepatitis the main role, which should be lean protein foods: chicken, fish, dairy products. The patient should abandon fatty, spicy, smoked food and alcohol. Overeating and eating cold food is unacceptable.

Conclusion on the subject

Thus, infectious hepatitis is a dangerous disease that requires a special approach in treatment. Upon detection of specified signs of disease immediately, avoiding contact with other people, to go to a medical facility for examination.