Home / Topic about sexually transmitted diseases / Ways of infection, diagnosis and treatment of gardnerellosis / Gardnerellosis (cardenales, bacterial vaginosis) in women - symptoms, causes, treatment

Gardnerellosis (cardenales, bacterial vaginosis) in women - symptoms, causes, treatment

Over a lifetime, every woman at least once faced with the symptoms of abnormal discharge and unpleasant smell. And some suffer almost constantly. The reason can serve as a serious venereal disease, and commonplace bacterial vaginosis. It is important to be able to discern the signs of these diseases to prevent the onset of complications.

Bacterial vaginosis in women is also called gardnerellosis. In most cases of Gardnerella is a marker in this disease. And although it is a normal component of vaginal flora, a sharp increase in its number says on the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis.

Cardenales manifests itself in females, as in the vagina of habitat conditions more "comfortable". Men suffer gardenista much less frequently, because bacteria do not stay in the urethra and go with the flow of urine.

Bacterial vaginosis: causes

  • the sharp increase in pH environment in the vagina;
  • massive loss of lactobacilli;
  • the decrease in General immunity.

The mechanism of development of gardnerellosis women

Normal vagina pH is acidic due to the fact that lactobacilli synthesize lactic acid. This acid kills pathogenic bacteria, thereby not allowing the to multiply rapidly Gardnerella. Due to intake of antibiotics, frequent douching and use of antiseptic soap can occur with massive loss of lactobacilli and the vaginal environment becomes alkaline, which develops cardenales.

It is understood that gardnerellosis (in contrast to trichomoniasis and gonorrhoea) is a sexually transmitted disease. And in most cases its occurrence is generally not associated with sexual life. Furthermore, the symptoms of gardnerellosis often develop even in virgins. The impetus for the development of bacterial vaginosis can serve as a rudimentary stress, poor nutrition or even acute respiratory disease.

And although in itself of Gardnerella is not particularly dangerous, it opens the door for pathogenic Trichomonas, gonococci and chlamydia. Thus, the normal aerobic flora of the vagina by Gardnerella is replaced by the pathological anaerobic. At this time develop clear clinical symptoms.

If time does not begin treatment of gardnerellosis at women, you will have to eliminate more serious illness that will never go unnoticed.

Signs of bacterial vaginosis

What about the woman to understand that she had a gardnerellosis? First, the disease is manifested by the appearance of abundant secretions. They may have unusual yellow or greenish color and a very unpleasant smell (e.g., rotten fish – because of the synthesis of amines by bacteria). In parallel with the secretions of the vaginadevelops inflammation. It is accompanied by itching and pain, swelling of the labia and discomfort during intercourse.

If the pathogen enters the urethra in women, urethritis begins. This is a very unfortunate complication, accompanied by cutting pain when urinating. The woman always want to use the toilet. If time does not cure urethritis, germs get into the bladder it can cause cystitis. And then by ascending infection gets into the kidneys, the inflammation there.

Cystitis as a consequence of gardnerellosis tends to regular exacerbations, it greatly reduces performance and emotional women.

Treatment scheme

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women consists of two phases. The first phase is the elimination of the Gardnerella and relief of symptoms. And the second phase is settling on a vacant place of dairy bacteria. If you ignore the second stage of treatment, most likely, gardnerellosis "bloom" with new strength.

The most effective treatment of gardnerellosis in women with a combination of medication and inside local use of candles. Only local treatment, who like to escape women without the help of a doctor, does not give long term result. Repeated use of the same candles only helps microbes to adapt and develop resistance.

As Gardnerella resistant to conventional antibiotics, for the treatment of gardnerellosis women used clindamycin, and drugs of the group of imidazoles. To the group of imidazoles include metronidazole and its modern analogues: Ornidazole, seknidazol, tinidazole, and so forth., These components should log-in tablets for internal use, and composition candles.

But the use of antibiotic therapy is only the first step in the elimination of gardnerellosis in women. In place gardnerellas is very important to settle useful lactobacterial flora.

Restoring flora after treatment

Hooked lactic bacteria need not only the vagina but also the intestines. It needs to increase in proportion of diet dairy products. Sold as biokefir and special starter cultures of dairy bacteria. You can purchase special capsules with a content of a suspension of lactobacilli to normalize intestinal flora.

To restore the vaginal flora use candles with dairy bacteria. They put on their night daily for at least two weeks after antibiotic treatment. Some doctors suggest to carry out both phases of treatment in parallel, i.e., apply restorative therapy along withantibacterial.

To verify the effectiveness of the treatment should be for six months after the end of every month to hand over the control smears.

How to prevent a relapse

Cure cardenales once, is no guarantee that he would not return again. To maintain the result of treatment, it is important to:

  1. avoid prolonged intake of antibiotics;
  2. in parallel with the antibiotics, always take medications with lactobacilli;
  3. to abandon aggressive hygiene;
  4. to unsubscribe from wearing panty liners;
  5. to avoid stress and lack of sleep.