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Ways to remove molluscum contagiosum in children and adults (laser, forceps, liquid nitrogen)

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral disease that affects the human skin. It is called by a virus of the family Poxviridae (viruses group of smallpox).

The symptoms and mechanism of infection

In adults molluscum contagiosum is often transmitted by sexual contact. A separate problem is this disease in HIV infection, as molluscum contagiosum on the background of HIV infection can occur it is atypical and difficult to treat.

The disease is widespread. Most often it affects children. In warm countries the prevalence of the disease is higher than in countries with a cold climate.

After infection appear on the skin characteristic elements. They appear as single or multiple round, convex, pink or pearl grey nodules with a diameter of 2-5 mm (rarely up to 1.5 cm). The nodules have the impression in the center with a caseous (cheese) content.

A person suffering from contagious molluscum, usually do not concerned. Sometimes it can be itchy.

Treatment: General principles

Molluscum contagiosum – a disease that in healthy people, in most cases, goes away by itself. However, recovery may be delayed up to six years. The need for treatment, whether drug therapy or surgery, you need to evaluate individually.

As a rule, the reason for the removal of molluscum contagiosum is a cosmetic defect. The presence of nodules on the skin is not acceptable for people of certain professions. Children may feel awkward in the team.


The main drug used in the conservative treatment of this disease – imiquimod (brand name "aldara", "Keyword, etc.). Imiquimod has indirect antiviral activity.

By conservative methods include cauterization of nodules with silver nitrate and other drugs with similar action.


The choice of method for removal of molluscum contagiosum is largely dependent on the personal preferences of the doctor and the equipment of the Cabinet. Not every office has a laser, but the tweezers are everywhere. There are a large number of equally effective methods of surgical treatment of this disease. Most often it is applied with curettage (scraping), cryotherapy (treatment with liquid nitrogen), removal forceps, surgical diathermy (cautery due to the action of high frequency electrical current), laser removal of molluscum contagiosum.

Deletion is performed in outpatient conditions under local anesthesia or without it. All of these types of operations, with the exception of diathermocoagulation, virtually painless. Anesthesia is required in young children, as well asemotional adults and older children.

For anesthesia is most commonly used cream that contains lidocaine ("EMLA"). The cream should be applied 1-2 hours before manipulation.

After surgery, the affected area usually lubricated with a solution of iodine or other antiseptic.

Removal by curette (curettage)

Curettage of molluscum contagiosum effective and easy to perform in outpatient conditions. Curette – a small sharp spoon. An experienced doctor with a spoon removes the skin neoplasm in one swift movement, almost without blood. After the procedure, the skin may remain small scars.

Remove with tweezers

This type of surgical treatment is also simple and widely distributed. The doctor brings the jaws of the pincers beneath the base of the skin element, and cuts off (pinch off) its fast movement. Bleeding after removal is minimal, small scars after healing of the wound possible.

Deliverance with a laser

The advantage of removal of molluscum contagiosum laser is a bloodless manipulation. Due to the lack of contact of the working tool with the skin is achieved the maximum level of sterility. Also after laser treatment are left with scars.

The optical waveguide is applied to the skin element. The laser beam gently vaporizes the tissue of tumors without damaging healthy skin. The only downside of laser is its higher treatment cost compared to other methods.

The use of liquid nitrogen

Cryotherapy is one of the most popular methods of treatment of molluscum contagiosum. Brief exposure to liquid nitrogen causes freezing of the lesion and a small rim of skin around. Procedure has good cosmetic result. The disadvantage is that the applicator scary noise at work, which is unacceptable in the treatment of young children.

Surgical diathermy

The essence of surgical diathermy is that high-frequency electricity which is supplied to the cutting tool, causes the formation of waves. The influence of radio waves provokes the heating of the soft tissues, exerting a cutting and cauterizing effect. Bleeding during this type of surgical intervention no, but scarring is possible.

What to do after the surgery

You need to avoid scratching the affected areas. Bed linen, clothes, children's toys, personal hygiene items can be washed or replaced.

You need to understand that you may need one or more "rounds" surgical treatment to cure molluscum contagiosum. 2-4 weeks after removaltumors required re-medical examination.