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How to get tested for HIV and whether you can do the test at home?


Help, please. Three months ago went to the hospital there came the indeterminate result for HIV, are advised to retake. I'm totally confused, do not find themselves. I know for sure I have plus, but how to go and get tested? Is it possible to do a home test how to prepare?


Hello. The fact that You came indeterminate result for HIV does not mean You are definitely infected. In order to understand and clarify the issue once and for all, please contact the AIDS center in Your city, if it is not possible in any clinic. AIDS center allows you to be tested anonymously, without indication of passport data in the clinic is almost impossible, as the blood sampling and the direction of the analysis is on the policy CHI.

In any case, no shame in this, for many HIV-infected persons to know their status, it was like thunder from heaven. Worse than this: not to pass, not to know and run away from problems, do not receive timely antiretroviral therapy, thereby deliberately shortening his and someone else's life.

What methods are the most sensitive?

  1. ELISA (ELISA) solid phase, most commonly used for screening;
  2. Western blot sections typically used for confirmation of infection, the diagnosis has a very high specificity of 99.7%;
  3. PCR diagnostics used to detect viral load and the newborn;

The possibility of using Express test systems at home is somewhat limited by the fact that they are not sold in all pharmacies and only a few test systems approved for use by the medical community (for example, the INSTItm HIV-1). In any case, such "home" tests require confirmation of the result in the laboratory the above methods, a negative result is not evidence of absence of virus in the body.