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Piconera urological and other charges, their composition and instructions for use

Quite often for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system uses urological fee, which applies to medicines of vegetable origin. This collection is composed of a set of healing components given by nature. Each plant has special properties that can remove the inflammation, normalize the functioning of the urinary system and enhance the protective properties of the organism.

Today, these tools can be purchased at the pharmacy. They have a convenient cooking method, which is described in the accompanying instructions for use. Due to the active biological composition, the therapeutic effect after their admission comes on the fifth day.

Piconera: General information

One of the most common urological charges is Piconera. Easy to use this herbal drug is that it can be brewed as tea. Herbal is a great anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of genitourinary system in women and men. In addition, Piconera urological has a diuretic and immunomodulating effects on the body. In some cases doctors prescribe it as a prophylactic against diseases of the urinary tract.

Травяной сбор в фильтр-пакетах

In training camp, aimed at treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, active substances are components that have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antibacterial and strengthening properties. Leaves cranberries included in these fees has antimicrobial, antispasmodic, vasodilator, sedative, diuretic and other properties, positively influencing the condition of the prostate. Biologically active substances contained in it, are used in the treatment of urolithiasis.

In homeopathic drugstores you can buy urological Sasha collection, which includes peppermint, kidney tea, nettle, tansy, calendula, bearberry, series. It is used for prostatitis, to dissolve stones, relieve inflammation in the genitourinary and biliary system.


Therapy of urolithiasis

Kidney stones are another urinary system problem. To get rid of this phenomenon without surgery, it is recommended to take fees, prepared at home. To do this, the fruits of fennel, hops cones, blueberry leaves, grass, chicory, burdock taken in equal parts and mixed thoroughly, crushed. 2 tablespoons collection pour 500 ml boiling water, insist the whole night. Use the tool at 50-60 ml 4 times a day. The treatment is carried out according to the scheme: 2-3 monthsthe application interval of 14 days and repeat the course.

In equal quantities mix the immortelle flowers, grass, meadowsweet herb, knotweed, bearberry, Burnet root. Then 2 tbsp chopped pre-composition pour 500 ml of boiling water, infused for 8 h. Drink ready infusion 4 times a day for a quarter Cup. Treatment is carried out within 2 months, if necessary, repeat it after a fortnight break.

On the above recipes are preparing another gathering to facilitate withdrawal of kidney stones. For its preparation mix equal quantities of cranberry leaf grass clover, St. John's wort, motherwort, agrimony, madder root. Instructions for use of collecting the same. The effectiveness of herbs many of you know firsthand, but each of them has its own characteristics that influence differently on the body. These subtleties before starting treatment be sure to discuss with your doctor.