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What is bladder catheterization in men and women: the algorithm and safety

Diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular urolithiasis, leading to the need for surgery. Bladder catheterization may be performed for treatment, and to establish an accurate diagnosis. Catheterization of the bladder in men, is held in 2 stages - preparation and introduction of the catheter. While preparing it is necessary to ensure the sterility of all instruments. Catheterization of the bladder in women is the only difference according to the technique of the catheter and is even faster than men. The preparatory phase is the same as for male catheterisation, and in the female coincides. Catheters used for direct infusion into the cavity of the bladder, vary in form, purpose and the material from which they are made. The most common bladder catheterization with a soft catheter.

The purpose of catheterization

The catheter into the bladder may be administered for diagnosis is a very common procedure in medical practice. The main purpose of such medical procedures is a fence of urine for analysis. The fact that urine is obtained directly from the bladder, is sterile and has no impurities, therefore, is an ideal material for analysis and diagnosis. The catheter is inserted and if it is necessary to introduce contrast material into the bladder. Such catheterization is carried out only by experienced urologists. The main cases of application of therapeutic catheterization:

  1. When urinary retention is delayed more than 12 hours may occur with inflammation of the urinary canal, in tumor phenomena in the pelvis, in the formation of kidney stones. The purpose of this catheterization is an emergency urine excretion.
  2. At the end of surgery, after the intervention in the urinary organs is required to ensure their subsequent healing. To do this allows the introduction of a catheter to drain urine during the patient's rehabilitation.
  3. In pathological phenomena in the functioning of the bladder. These abnormalities mostly appear in the background of dysfunction of urination that leads to dangerous stagnation of urine. Dysfunction of the urinary tract in medicine called pathology of the innervation of the bladder. While the bladder is successfully filled with urine and urination does not lead to its selection. Often during such pathologies catheter emergency set ambulance right at home.

Катетер для катетеризации мочевого пузыря

The rounded end of the tube of the catheter is lubricated with sterile liquid paraffin or glycerin, and is introduced into the opening of the urethra. Asonly the catheter reaches the bladder, the tube is highlighted urine. The appearance of the urine suggests that the procedure is technically performed correctly, and the rounded end of the tube has reached the bladder.

If the woman during the procedure, be pain or discomfort, she should immediately inform the doctor what the patient will be instructed before the beginning of the manipulation. In addition, it is very important to establish contact with the patient, explaining all the steps of catheterization, and all the details of the procedure when you need to be patient and time when they planned to finish the procedure. This will help the patient relax, which is necessary for successful execution of the procedure.

Contraindications and complications

Contraindications for the procedure may be the lack of urine in the bladder, as it greatly increases the risk of injury.

The lack of urine in medicine is called anuria. Infectious diseases makarovtsy ways - urethritis. Some other diseases can also constitute a contraindication. Spasm of the urinary canal often causes failure of the procedure. During or after the procedure catheterization of the bladder can be various complications. The causes of complications are very diverse, but the most common of these is failure to comply with the recommendations on contraindications and failure to follow proper technique perform the procedure.

Reason complications may be lurking in performed not in full the examination, violation of regulations for disinfection of tools and devices, bug, with the introduction of the catheter. The use of excessive force with the introduction of the catheter tubing also leads to additional injuries of the urethra and bladder. Complications can include infection and injury to the bodies of the sick. Developing an infection typically causes urethritis, pyelonephritis or cystitis. But careless use may even lead to rupture of the urethra. If you will use a soft catheter in the bladder, this will help to avoid complications in many cases.

When you need to remove?

Removal of the catheter you need to have the testimony of the doctor. Self-extraction is possible, but requires special knowledge and skills and can cause damage. The catheter is typically equipped with clamps. Water or air from the retainer balloon is removed using a special syringe. Only then can you start removing the tube, otherwise the retrieval process can seriously damage the urethra. Botched extraction or removal of the catheter can lead to the ingress of infection and injury. Spray, if handled adroitly, canemptied by applying a cut on the tube in a certain place.

For self-removal, mainly suitable for catheters manufactured according to the method of Robinson. However, in this case, you need to consult with a doctor and get detailed instructions. When using catheters of different types are required to observe a number of General recommendations. Insert or remove a binding while respecting the sterility of the materials throughout the procedure. The tube diameter must be carefully selected in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient, which uses a specially designed scale. The doctor must have the necessary knowledge and experience for installing and removing a hard metallic catheters. All items coming into contact with the urethra, are treated to prevent infections. Compliance with these measures almost virtually eliminate complications during the procedures for installing or removing the catheters and when using the installed catheter in the hospital or at home.