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What are the symptoms and treatment of urethral cancer in women?

Cancer of the urethra in women, the symptoms of which can be very unpleasant, in the first stage does not manifest itself. The disease develops gradually. Malignancy of the urethra is a rare disease that occurs more often in women. In males, the tumor in most cases leads to death.

Risk factors and characteristics of cancer

The pathological process is characterized by its suddenness. Women appear abruptly cancer cells and the formation of a malignant tumor. Education may be localized in the proximal and distal urethra. In most cases of focal lesion covers the outer opening.

The reasons for the development of the disease is unknown. Experts still can not understand the etiology of this process. The cancer cells begin to progress, resulting in and formed a tumor. However, it is unknown, under the influence of some factors that occur. Experts identify the most dangerous pathogens that can lead to this process. Among them include:


  • the presence of bladder diseases, including cancer;
  • old age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infectious lesions of the genitourinary system that are not resolved;
  • chronic disease;
  • venereal lesions.

Сильная гематурия

Ulcerative cancer of the urethra different formations in the region of the clitoris. Often the disease infiltrates in the anterior vaginal wall towards the urethra.

Solid tumor affects the whole region, it is accompanied by unpleasant clinical symptoms.

Symptoms of the malignancy occur gradually, due to their nespecificnomu to suspect cancer difficult. As mentioned above, a woman pestering a pain and burning sensation during urination. The discomfort may occur during sexual intercourse. Often a fixed pain in the vagina, which gradually increases. You experience bleeding.

Methods of getting rid of the tumor

Cancer of the urethra can be eliminated solely by surgery. The choice of operative intervention depends on localization of education, size and severity of the pathological process. At the initial stage to excise the tumor in full. This stage has a high probability of a favorable outcome. In the later advanced stages, doctors do not surgery. This is due to the presence of extensive metastases.

Malignancy should be removed. For this purpose, the following types of operations:

  1. Removal of the urethra with the anterior wall of the vagina. Often captured and sexorgans.
  2. Removal of the urethra together with the bladder neck. Surgical excision extends to the front part of the vagina and the primary sexual organs.
  3. Remove channel along with all the above bodies. This type of surgery is accompanied by transplantation of ureters into the intestine.

Surgery and treatment selected by the doctor individually. You need to understand that to eliminate cancer cells not capable of any specialist. Doctors are removed only extensive lesions. Therefore, men and women have even successfully performed excision does not guarantee a full recovery.

Removal of cancer cells it is recommended to have chemotherapy. It is based on receiving cytotoxic drugs and potent anticancer drugs. Conservative treatment is used before surgery. Thanks to him you can reduce the size of the tumor and halt its spread.