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Extent, symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer in men

The most common cancer among men is prostate cancer. Most likely to occur around 45 years, i.e. in adulthood, but to 60-65 years, the frequency of the disease increases. The tumor grows very slowly, making it impossible to diagnose at an early stage of the disease and the absence of any symptoms that could be seen by the naked eye.

Prostate cancer is by definition malignant tumor that arises from the secretory epithelium of the prostate. This disease is characteristic only for the male population.

As you know from cancer with no cure and no treatment will help if you have the final stage of the disease. The same applies to prostate cancer. Because no studies that documented and compared different methods of treatment have not been conducted.

The causes of disease

Even now, when science and medicine has gone far ahead, no one can say exactly what are the causes which gives rise to prostate cancer. A single opinion in this matter still does not exist. Despite increased study of the mechanisms of onset and progression of the disease, the question still remains open. But not everything is so bad, scientists have achieved some results. They recognized the gene that is responsible for heredity as the cause of the tumor. It turned out that a genetic predisposition to the disease, but it may not occur.

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A waiting game. Used in 2 cases: for very elderly patients who have this disease also assembled a bouquet and an extra operation can only do harm. And for patients, the final diagnosis of which is not clear, waiting for the more overt manifestations of the disease, or denying it. While this tactic is no pharmacological treatment is not performed, but the patient is under constant supervision, blood tests for PSA and ultrasound examination. Even with very careful observation of the affected patients, approximately 15% of patients end badly.

Surgery. This method of treatment at this time is the most effective, but its success depends on the stage where they began to treat the disease. Previously, this operation was not so popular because of the effects it left behind, but this spontaneous urination, loss of sexual function, but the science is developing, and at the moment there are no consequences. Life expectancy after the surgery depends on what stage of the disease it was made. According to statistics, if during surgery the lymph nodes were not affected, about 75% of the operated lived for more than 10 years, and ate as they were struck, only 45%.

Radiation radiation therapy. Based on the use of small doses of radiation to destroy cancer occurrence. But we all know the effect of chemotherapy or radiation on humans, if released to eliminate the source of the disease, the consequences of which will cause the treatment will be irreparable. When irradiated cell DNA of the patient's body are subjected to exposure, which destroys their structure, they lose the ability to reproduce. This method is not used in the early stages, applies only if the operation is contraindicated. Statistics has no accurate data regarding survival in carry treatment of this kind.

More recently, such methods of treatment such as cryotherapy and hormonal therapy.