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Inflammation of the prostate: the main causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease

Issues such as inflammation of the prostate, symptoms, and treatment, timely and correct diagnosis of the disease of interest to a large number of men. This is due to the fact that the prostate is very frequently exposed to various inflammatory processes and diseases.

What is a prostate, its function in the body

The main purpose of the prostate gland in men is a special generation of ejaculate, which is necessary for sperm nutrition. Also, this body is responsible for retention of urine and regulates urination. In appearance body like a trapezoid.

From prostate cancer there are 3 main functions:

  1. Barrier. Because of the development of a special secretion, infection of the channels does not penetrate the body to other organs.
  2. Secretory. It is necessary for the fertilization process.
  3. Motor. The muscle that forms a sphincter that helps hold the urine inside.

Inflammation of the prostate in men, entailed heavy consequences - irreversible disease, a reduction or complete absence of potency. Therefore, only the timely diagnosis, identification of causes and paying attention to symptoms can help to avoid disastrous results.

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Violation of potency.

How to treat the disease, how to diagnose - tell a doctor. If not treat prostatitis, running form will be the cause of impotence.

Many experts say that causes of impotence in the early stages are of a psychological nature. Some men begin to note the symptoms of the disease and do not hurry up to consult to the doctor, and start psyching yourself out mentally. And the primary cause of impotence be just thoughts, not real physiological disorders.

The chronic form of prostatitis.

The reasons for the development of such consequences are delayed treatment, and full depression of the microflora. In such cases, the inflammation becoming chronic and ongoing recurrent in nature.

Abscess of the prostate.

The cause of the disease - a violation of the outflow of secretions. From exposure to the bacteria it infected, and pus is formed. The patient necessarily high fever marked by severe pain, weakness throughout the body.

Violation of the nervous system.

Many men have noted that the disease entails the reasons for the development of neurological disorders. Observed apathy, nervousness, depression, nervous disorders. There has been a General decrease of work capacity.

Experts say that men whosuffered prostatitis, contraindicated exercise, as they entail causes complete loss of strength and activity.

The cause of the inflammation of the prostate gland in men known. With timely treatment to a specialist, each patient will receive professional help and be able to return to normal life.