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A useful exercise for diseases of the prostate

Exercises for the prostate, developed by leading experts in this field, aimed at accelerating the process of recovery of the male population that suffers from diseases of the body. To switch to the prescribed course, in practice, should be sufficient amount of information. Despite the fact that the description of the proposed charge is created on the basis of the overall analysis of the human body, it should be borne in mind that the implementation should rely on the facts that were obtained during examination of patients.

What benefits can bring exercise in the adenoma and prostatitis? This charge gives the possibility to stop the process of disease development and even contribute to their full recovery. Despite the fact that diseases have different histories, gymnastics allows for effective prevention in both cases. The fact that this approach is the possibility to greatly accelerate the circulation of blood in the pelvis, and it just gives the effect that helps to stimulate the process towards a sufficient supply of oxygen to tissues and recovery.

Important information

Below more details to understand what the mechanism of development and treatment of diseases of the prostate starts with the occurrence of ailments and human exposure via physical exercise, you need to have a specific idea of what constitutes such diseases, what the causal factors they are called and what exercises for the prostate and adenoma of the prostate will be most effective.

It is worth noting the fact that a few decades ago the emergence of problems with the prostate most men could be seen in age, covering the interval from 50 to 60 years. As for today, this limit is sufficiently rejuvenated.

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A good exercise for the muscles of the anus and the prostate is sex. In this scenario, it can be classified as effective exercise. However, now that we are talking about moderate sex. As long abstinence and an excessive fascination with this occupation detrimental to the condition of the prostate. It is not recommended for men to delay ejaculation or interrupt sexual intercourse.

What other exercises are useful?

  1. Exercise "scissors". Performed lying on the back with stretched along the body hands and pressed the palms to the floor. Hands should support at run time and not move.
  2. The second version of "scissors" is performed lying on the stomach. The technique of similarprevious, however, the effect of exercise is more noticeable.
  3. Starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. For its implementation should be based on hand, then simultaneously lift the head, arms and legs, arching in the lower back. To perform the exercise as many times as it turns out.
  4. Pretty simple and well-known exercise called "Bicycle". The execution of it is playing movements of Cycling in the supine position. In this case, there is a noticeable improvement of blood circulation in the pelvis.

Curative effect for prostatitis and BPH can get, borrowing a pose of Indian yoga. Here useful was the Lotus position. Stretching of the perineum provokes an increase of blood supply in this area. To properly execute it as follows: leg stretched forward, the left foot is seized and a stop is placed near the opposite hip. After that, the knee bent right leg, which must pass between the thigh and calf. Both feet must be between the thighs and the calf muscles.

A good stretching of the lumbar, gluteal muscles, crotch and back of the thighs, promotes stretching. To perform should sit on the floor with your back straight and stretch your legs in front of him. You should then lean forward and the big toes take the index. Next you need to bend until the contact face with his knees. Knees while trying to bend as little as possible or to keep as straight as possible. Hands should rest on the floor and be bent at the elbow joints.

Exercises from prostatitis and prostate adenoma may add one more - walking on a ladder March. Instead of taking the lift, you should get yourself in the habit of walking through the driveway and the stairs on foot. In this case it would be more reproduction of such walk. In order to increase the load, after some time practicing, stepping through one and then through two steps.

Additional points

Helps to get rid of diseases such a plan, such as a cold shower aimed at the area of the perineum. Warm water should have a temperature of not more than 45 degrees, and cold should be cold. The whole procedure takes only 5 minutes, and warm water is allocated 30 seconds, and cold 15.

To perform the following exercise is taken the original standing position. In the implementation of breath should bend the knee and pick it up. The thigh should be in this case saparalina with the floor. Further, by exhaling, without your foot on the floor, right at the weight she should be taken back and hold for 5 seconds. The back should be as straight. Exercisedone 15 times.

Very fast and appreciable effect can be obtained by practicing swimming. When this occurs, the activation of the entire muscular system simultaneously, thereby increasing blood circulation. In addition, the sale is a selection of special cardiological equipment, is able to create a similar effect without excessive stress on the joints of the lower extremities.

Exercise for prostatitis and prostate cancer, according to many physicians, are the basis of the treatment process.

Of course, this scenario provides for the complete exclusion of the main causal factors. But almost all treatment is aimed at correcting the situation at the physiological level. It becomes clear that the sick men, especially in the elderly, in any case can not be supercooled. And for those who led a sedentary lifestyle, just needed charging.

In addition, you should pay attention to deviations from the norm in sexual terms. In this issue if you encounter any doubt you can apply not only to the urologist, but to consult a sexologist. After all, the concept of norms every man is different and all depends on its physiological characteristics, the structure of the organism and presence of accompanying diseases.