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Anatomy, topography and functions of the urethra in women and men

One of the most important functions in the body is the urethra. The urethra is the organ which in other words is called the urethra. It develops in utero. Sometimes there are different pathologies. Sexual difference is only in the structure of the tubular channel and the fulfilment of certain tasks. This organ is subjected to variety of diseases. Cause diseases may become inadequate hygiene, STDs, hereditary factor, a weakened immune system, etc. to prevent the development of pathological changes in the tissues of the body, the first manifestations of the disease should immediately consult a doctor for timely medical care.

The structure and function of the female urethra

The anatomy of the organ is determined genetically. In the period of pregnancy, the fetus has formed all organs and organ systems. This process completely depends on the way of life that leads a mother nurturing a child. Bad habits, including drinking, drugs, Smoking, can lead to serious pathologies of the fetus. Such violations, formed in utero, and it is not always possible to detect a method of ultrasound examination.

The female urethra is wider than that of men. In addition, it is more than half shorter than the male urethra. Its length varies from 3 to 5 cm Physiologically this on women is a straight tube, which in structure resembles the membranous part of the male urethra.

The female urethra is near the vagina, or rather, ahead of him. This ensures that if you get an infection on vulva disease can infect the urethra. A favorable factor for pathogenic microorganisms is the length of the tube. It is short, so the bacteria quickly enter other organs of the urogenital system. The consequence of this phenomenon is that women are 2 times more likely to suffer inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.

The urethral opening in women is only for emptying the bladder in men, this channel is displayed and semen. This means that in addition to the cleansing function of the male urethra is involved in reproductive activities. Thus, in women on one outer opening is larger than that of the male population.

Строение мужской уретры

Hypospadias and epispadia refer to developmental disorders of the urethra. The first disease is characteristic only for boys, and the second canbe subjected to children of both sexes.

Urethritis is an inflammatory process. When it affects the epithelium covering the wall of the tubular body. Most often striking symptoms of this disorder observed in men. They have pain during urination and sexual intercourse. In women, the symptoms occur much less frequently and less intensively.

Vulvitis occurs in women due to insufficient hygiene. It covers the vulva, vagina, and the urethral canal. A similar disease in men is called balanta, postecom and balanoposthitis. There is inflammation of the glans penis and urethra.

The sexually transmitted disease, can also affect the urethra. It could be chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, staphylococcal infections etc Treatment should start immediately to avoid negative consequences.

During operations in the urethral canal often put a catheter to remove urine. Prolonged wearing of such a device threatens to mechanical lesions in the upper layer of the epithelium. To avoid suppuration and inflammatory processes, the removal of the tube from the urethra should be done under strict medical supervision.

Paraurethral gland in women and men, located on the rear wall, can also undergo inflammation. While symptoms resembling a urethritis or cystitis. To avoid abscess, you must consult a doctor at the first sign of symptoms. Health urethral ensures full operation of the genitourinary system.